Salesforce Sample Triggers with different Scenarios

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Real Time Scenarios in Salesforce with Examples

Trigger Scenario 1:

Create a “Top X Designation” custom object which is the related list to Opportunity (Lookup Relationship). In the Top X Designation object, create the fields

  • Type (Picklist),
  • Document Attached (Checkbox)

Create one field Handoff Attached with picklist type with values are Yes, No on Opportunity Object.

Logic: If Type (Top X Designation) = "Contract Flow Down/Handoff", and "Document Attached” = True then "Handoff Attached" = True, otherwise false.


trigger updateHandoffattached on Top_X_Designation__c (after insert, after update,after delete)
map maptop = new map();
set oppid = new set();
map maptopfalse = new map();//faslecase map
set oppIdInFalseCase = new set();//falsecase set
map deletecase = new map();
set delcaseid = new set();//deletecase set
list opplist = new list(); // query list
list listtoupdate = new list(); //for update
for(Top_X_Designation__c top : trigger.isdelete? trigger.old
if(trigger.isInsert || trigger.isUpdate)
if(top.Document_Attached__c == true &&
((top.Type__c==’Contract Flow Down’) || (top.Type__c==’Handoff’)))
maptop.put(top.Opp_top_x_designation__c, top.Id);
system.debug(‘here ‘+ top.Opp_top_x_designation__c);
system.debug(‘here in else part ‘+ top.Opp_top_x_designation__c);
opplist = [select Id,Handoff_Attached__c from opportunity where id in:oppid];
for( opportunity opp : opplist){
opp.Handoff_Attached__c =’yes’;
opp.Handoff_Attached__c =’no’;
// listtoupdate.add(opp);
opp.Handoff_Attached__c =”;
listtoupdate.add(opp) ;
if( listtoupdate.size()>0){
update listtoupdate;
and its test class
public class testforhandoff {
@istest static void methodhandoff(){
opportunity opp = new opportunity();
opp.Name =’test opp’;
opp.StageName =’Needs Analysis’;
opp.CloseDate =;
insert opp;
Top_X_Designation__c tx = new Top_X_Designation__c();
tx.Opp_top_x_designation__c = opp.Id;
tx.Document_Attached__c = true;
tx.Type__c = ‘Handoff’;
insert tx;
static void testmethod1(){
opportunity opp1 = new opportunity();
opp1.Name =’test opp’;
opp1.StageName =’Needs Analysis’;
opp1.CloseDate =;
insert opp1;
Top_X_Designation__c tx1 = new Top_X_Designation__c();
tx1.Opp_top_x_designation__c =;
tx1.Document_Attached__c = false;
tx1.Type__c =’Handoff’;
insert tx1;
static void deletemethod(){
opportunity opp1 = new opportunity();
opp1.Name =’test opp’;
opp1.StageName =’Needs Analysis’;
opp1.CloseDate =;
insert opp1;
Top_X_Designation__c tx1 = new Top_X_Designation__c();
tx1.Opp_top_x_designation__c =;
tx1.Document_Attached__c = false;
tx1.Type__c =’Handoff’;
insert tx1;
delete tx1;
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Trigger Scenario 2:

The following Trigger will fires when we try to create the account with the same name i.e. Preventing the users to create Duplicate Accounts

trigger AccountDuplicateTrigger on Account (before insert, before the update)
 List<Account> acc="Select id from Account where Name=:a.Name and Rating=:a.Rating";
 acc.Name.addError('You Cannot Create the Duplicate Account');

Trigger Scenario 3:

The following trigger updates the field called “Hello” by the value “World” whenever we are creating an account or updating an account record. Create the field called “Hello” on the Account Object (Data Type = Text)

trigger HelloWorld on Account (before insert, before update)
 List<Account> accs =;
 MyHelloWorld my= new MyHelloWorld(); //creating instance of apex class
 my.addHelloWorld(accs); // calling method from the apex class


public class MyHelloWorld
 public void addHelloWorld(List<Account> accs)
 for (Account a:accs)
 if (a.Hello__c != 'World')
 a.Hello__c = 'World';

Trigger Scenario 4:

The following trigger describes when the leads are inserted into the database it would add Doctor prefixed for all lead names. This is applicable for both inserting and updating the lead records.

trigger PrefixDoctor on Lead (before insert,before update)
 List<Lead> leadList =;
 for(Lead l: leadList)
 l.firstname = 'Dr.'+ l.firstname;

Trigger Scenario 5:

The following trigger adds the Opportunity Owner into the sales team automatically whenever the Opportunity is created.


trigger OppTeam on Opportunity (after insert) {
 List<OpportunityShare> sharesToCreate = new List<OpportunityShare>();
 List<OpportunityTeamMember> oppteam = new List<OpportunityTeamMember> ();
 OpportunityShare oshare = new OpportunityShare();
 oshare.OpportunityAccessLevel = 'Edit';
 oshare.OpportunityId =”0”.Id;
 oshare.UserOrGroupId =”0”.createdbyid;
 OpportunityTeamMember ot = new OpportunityTeamMember();
 ot.OpportunityId =”0”.Id;
 ot.UserId =”0”.OwnerId;
 ot.TeamMemberRole = 'Account Manager';
 if(Oppteam!=null && Oppteam.size()>0)
 insert Oppteam;
 if(sharesToCreate!=null && sharesToCreate.size()>0)
 list<Database.SaveResult> sr = Database.insert(sharesToCreate,false);

Trigger Scenario 6:

Create the object called “Books” and create the field “Price”(data type is Currency) under this object. Whenever we enter some amount of money in the Price field and once we click on save button, the value we entered in the Price field is 10% less than the actual price. This is applicable for while both inserting and updating records.

trigger DiscountTrigger on Book__c (before insert, before update)

 List<Book__c> books =;


public class PriceDiscount {
 public static void applyDiscount(List<Book__c> books) {
 for (Book__c b :books){
 b.Price__c *= 0.9;

Trigger Scenario 7:

The following trigger will prevent the users from deleting the Accounts. This is because System Administrator has all the permissions, we cannot change the permissions.

trigger AccountDelete on Account (before delete)

 for(Account Acc:trigger.old)
 acc.adderror('You Cannot Delete the Account Record');

Trigger Scenario 8:

Create a Custom field called “Number of Locations” on the Account Object (Data Type=Number)

The following trigger creates the number of contacts that are equal to the number which we will enter in the Number of Locations field on the Account Object


trigger ContactsCreation on Account (after insert)

 list<contact> listContact = new list<contact>();
 map<id,decimal> mapAcc=new map<id,decimal>();
 if(mapAcc.size()>0 && mapAcc!=null){
 for(Id accId:mapAcc.keyset()){
 for(integer i=0;i<mapAcc.get(accId);i++){
 contact newContact=new contact();
 if(listContact.size()>0 && listContact!=null)
 insert listContact;

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Trigger Scenario 9:

Create the object called “Customer Project” and create a Status field under this object with the picklist data type (Values=Active, Inactive). Create the relationship between this custom object and Opportunity so that the Customer Project is a related list to the Opportunity. Create  Active Customer project‑ field on Opportunity object (Data Type=Checkbox) The logic is when we create Customer Project for an Opportunity with the Status=Active, then Active Customer project check box on the Opportunity Detail page is automatically checked.


trigger UpdateCPActivenOnOppty on Customer_Project__c (after insert)
 List<Opportunity> opps=new List<Opportunity>();
 for(Customer_Project__c cp:Trigger.New){
 Opportunity opp= new Opportunity(id=cp.Opportunity__c);
 opp.Active_Customer_Project__c = True;
 update opps;

Trigger Scenario 10:


We have a Stakeholder object that is the related list to Opportunity and Contact. On the Contact detail page, we have NPS ID field on the Contact detail page that is look up to the Voice of NPS object (Customer Object). The following code will get the NPS ID field value from the Contact detail page in the Stakeholders page which we can able to clickable. Create NPS Id 1 field on the stockholder's object which is the lookup to the Voice of NPS object (Customer Object)

Note:- ‑ we can also get the NPS Id 1 on the Stakeholder’s page using the formula field but will not able to clickable.

Code Single Record:

triggerUpdateNPSid on Stakeholder__c (before insert, before update)

 List<id>ConList=new List<id>();
 List<Contact>lc=“Select NPS_Id__c From Contact Where id IN : ConList”;

Code Bulk Records:

trigger UpdateNPSid on Stakeholder__c (before insert, before update)

 List<id> ConList=new List<id>();
 map<id,id>map_NPS_Cont = new map<id,id>();
 for(Stakeholder__c sh:Trigger.New)
 List<Contact> lc=“Select Id,NPS_Id__c From Contact Where id IN : ConList”;
 if(lc!=null && lc.size()>0)
 for(Contact c:lc){
 for(Stakeholder__c sh:Trigger.New){
 sh.NPS_Id1__c = map_NPS_Cont.get(sh.Contact_Name__c);
 sh.NPS_Id1__c = null;

Trigger Scenario 11:

Create “Sales Rep” field with the data type (Text) on the Account Object. When we create the Account record, the Account Owner will be automatically added to Sales Rep field. When we update the Account owner of the record, then also the Sales Rep will be automatically updated.

triggerUpdateSalesRep on Account (Before insert,Before Update)

 Set<Id>setAccOwner=new Set<Id>();
 for(Account Acc:
 Map<Id,User>User_map = new Map<Id,User>(“select Name from User where id
 for(Account Acc:
 User usr=User_map.get(Acc.OwnerId);

Trigger Scenario 12:

Create the field called the “Contact Relationship” checkbox on the Contact Object and Create the related object called “Contact Relationship” which is a related list to the Contacts.(Look Up Relationship). Now logic is when we create contact by checking the Contact Relationship checkbox, then Contact Relationship will be created automatically for that contact.


trigger CreateCRonContactCreation on Contact (after insert)

 ContactMasterHandler ConIns = New ContactMasterHandler();


Public Class ContactMasterHandler

 public void createContactRelationshipByContact(list<Contact> List_Contacts)
 list<Contact_Relationship__c> ConList= new list<Contact_Relationship__c>();
 for(Contact newconts:List_Contacts)
 if(newconts.Contact_Relationship__c== true)
 Contact_Relationship__c CR = new Contact_Relationship__c();
 insert ConList;

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Trigger Scenario 13:

When we change the Owner of the Contact Relationship, then the Owner name will be automatically populated in the Contact Relationship Name field.


trigger ContactRelationshipMasterTrigger on Contact_Relationship__c(before update)
 //call the handler for the before update trigger event
 updateCROwnerName ConRelUpd = New updateCROwnerName();


Public Class updateCROwnerName

 public void updateContactRelationshipNameByOwner(list<Contact_Relationship__c> cont_Rel)
 map<Id,Id> map_Id_Own = new map<id,id>();
 map<Id,string> map_id_Name = new map<id,string>();
 set<id> Idset = new set<id>();
 for(Contact_Relationship__c List_recs:cont_Rel)
 list<user> u=“select id,Name from user where id in:Idset”;
 for(user list_users:u)
 if(u!=null && u.size()>0)
 for(Contact_Relationship__c List_recs:cont_Rel)
 if (List_recs.Ownerid!=null)
 List_recs.Name = map_id_Name.get(List_recs.Ownerid);

Trigger Scenario 14:

Create the field called the “Contact Relationship” checkbox on the Contact Object and Create the object called “Contact Relationship” which is a related list to the Contacts. (Look Up Relationship). Trigger Scenario 12 logic will say that when we create contact by checking the Contact Relationship checkbox, then Contact Relationship will be created automatically for that contact. No, this logic will for when we delete the Contact, Then Contact Relationship will be deleted automatically

trigger DeleteCRonContactDeletion on Contact (before delete)

for(Contact c:Trigger.old)
 Contact_relationship__c CR=new Contact_relationship__c();
 CR=“Select Id from Contact_Relationship__c where Contact__c IN:GlobalUtility.getUni
 delete CR;

Global Utility Class:

public static set<Id> getUniqueIds(list<SObject> sobs)
 set<Id> Ids = new set<Id>();
 for (SObject sob : sobs) {
 return Ids;

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Trigger Scenario 15:

Create the field called “Contact Relationship” checkbox on the Contact Object and Create the object called “Contact Relationship” which is a related list to the Contacts. (Look Up Relationship). Trigger Scenario 14 will say that when we delete the Contact, Then Contact Relationship will be deleted automatically Now the Logic is when we undelete the Contact, then the Contact Relationship will be undeleted automatically


trigger UnDeleteCRonContactUnDeletion on Contact (After Undelete)

//call the handler for the after undelete trigger event
 ContactMasterHandler_Undelete ConIns = New ContactMasterHandler_Undelete(


Public Class ContactMasterHandler_Undelete

 public void undeleteContactRelationshipsByContact(list<Contact> List_Contacts)
 set<Id> ContactIds = New set<Id>();
 if(List_Contacts!=null && List_Contacts.size()>0)
 list<Contact_Relationship__c> List_ConRels= new list<Contact_Relationship__c>(
 List_ConRels= “select id from Contact_Relationship__c where isDeleted=TRUE and

Contact__c in: GlobalUtility.getUniqueIds(List_Contacts)”;
 undelete List_ConRels;

Trigger Scenario 16:

Create field called “Count of Contacts” on Account Object. When we add the Contacts for that Account then the count will populate in the field on the Account details page. When we delete the Contacts for that Account, the Count will update automatically.


The above logic will be applicable when we have a lookup relationship. But When we have the Master-Detail relationship, then we can create the Rollup Summary field to get the count of child records using the “Count” function.

trigger CountOfContacts on Contact (after insert,after delete)

 set<id> accid=new set<id>();
 list<contact> contactlist =new list<contact>();
 list<contact> listcon=new list<contact>();
 list<account> acclist=new list<account>();
 list<account> listAcc=new list<account>();
map<id,integer> mapCount=new map<id,integer>();

 for(contact con:trigger.old){
 acclist=“select id,name from account where id in:accid”;
 contactlist = “select id,name,accountid from contact where accountid in:accid”;
 for(account acc:acclist){
 for(contact c:contactlist){
 for(Account a:acclist){
 update listAcc;

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Trigger Scenario 17:

Create the object called “Customer” and create the Master-Detail Relationship on Customer object so that Customer will be the related list to the Account record. Create the field called “Account Manager” on the Customer object which is a lookup to the user object.

Now Logic is when we create a Customer record for an account record, then the user in the Account Manager field will be automatically added to the Account Team of that associated account.


trigger InsertAccountTeam on Customer__c (after insert)

 List<AccountTeamMember> atm_list=new List<AccountTeamMember>();
 AccountTeamMember atm = new AccountTeamMember();
 List<AccountShare> newShare = new List<AccountShare>();
 atm = new AccountTeamMember();
 atm.teamMemberRole='Account Manager';
 AccountShare shares = new AccountShare();
 shares.UserOrGroupId = c.Account_Manager__c;
 shares.OpportunityAccessLevel = 'Read Only';
 shares.CaseAccessLevel='Read Only';
 insert atm_list;
 if(newShare!=null && newShare.size()>0)
 List<Database.saveresult> sr=Database.insert(newShare,false);

Trigger Scenario 18:

The above trigger(Trigger Scenario 17) Logic is when we create a Customer record for an account record, then the user in the Account Manager field will be automatically added to the Account Team of that associated account. Now the following trigger logic is when we update the user in the “Account Manager”, the Account team will be updated automatically.


trigger UpdateAccountTeam on Customer__c (before update)

 List<AccountTeamMember> atm_list=new List<AccountTeamMember>();
 AccountTeamMember atm = new AccountTeamMember();
 List<AccountShare> newShare = new List<AccountShare>();
 Set<Id> setAccIds1=new Set<Id>();
 Set<Id> setDelATM=new Set<Id>();
 Map<id,Set<Id>> mapAccMgrs=new Map<id,Set<Id>>();
 &&c.Account_Manager__c!=null )
 List<Customer__c> listPLAccMgrs=“select id,Account_Manager__c,Account__c
 from Customer__c where Account__c in:setAccIds1 and id not
 if(listPLAccMgrs!=null && listPLAccMgrs.size()>0)
 for(Customer__c c:listPLAccMgrs)
 Set<Id> idMgrs=mapAccMgrs.get(c.Account__c);
 idMgrs=new set<Id>();
 Map<id,List<AccountTeamMember>> mapStdAccTeam=new
 List<AccountTeamMember> listStdAcc Team=“select id,UserId,AccountId from
 AccountTeamMember where AccountId in:setAccIds1 “;
 if(listStdAccTeam!=null && listStdAccTeam.size()>0){
 for(AccountTeamMember recAccTeam :listStdAccTeam)
 listStdAccTeamMap=new List<AccountTeamMember>();
 &&c.Account_Manager__c!=null )
 Set<Id> idMgrs=mapAccMgrs.get(c.Account__c);
 if(listAccTeam!=null && listAccTeam.size()>0 )
 if(idMgrs!=null && idMgrs.size()>0 &&
 for(AccountTeamMember recATM:listAccTeam)
 else if(idMgrs==null)
 for(AccountTeamMember recATM:listAccTeam)
 atm = new
 AccountShare shares = new AccountShare();
 shares.UserOrGroupId = c.Account_Manager__c;
 shares.OpportunityAccessLevel = 'None';
List<AccountTeamMember> listDelATM=“select id from AccountTeamMember
 where id in:setDelATM”;
 if(listDelATM!=null && listDelATM.size()>0 )
 delete listDelATM;
 insert atm_list;
 if(newShare!=null && newShare.size()>0)
 List<Database.saveresult> sr=Database.insert(newShare,false);

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Trigger Scenario 19:

The trigger scenario 17 Logic is when we create a Customer record for the account record, then the user in the Account Manager field will be automatically added to the Account Team of that associated account. Now the following trigger gives the logic about when we delete the “Customer” of that account, then the user will be deleted automatically from the Account Team of that account.


trigger DeleteAccountTeam on Customer__c (before delete)

 List<AccountTeamMember> atm_list=new List<AccountTeamMember>();
 AccountTeamMember atm = new AccountTeamMember();
 List<AccountShare> newShare = new List<AccountShare>();
set<id> setAccids = new set<id>();
 Set<Id> setDelATM=new Set<Id>();
 Map<id,Set<Id>> mapAccMgrs=new Map<id,Set<Id>>();
 for(Customer__c c:Trigger.old)
 List<Customer__c> listPLAccMgrs=“select id,Account_Manager__c,Account__c from
 Customer__c where Account__c in:setAccids and id not in:trigger.oldmap.keyset()”;
 if(listPLAccMgrs!=null && listPLAccMgrs.size()>0)
 for(Customer__c c:listPLAccMgrs)
 Set<Id> idMgrs=mapAccMgrs.get(c.Account__c);
 idMgrs=new set<Id>();
 Map<id,List<AccountTeamMember>> mapStdAccTeam=new
 List<AccountTeamMember> listStdAccTeam=“select id,UserId,AccountId from
 AccountTeamMember where AccountId in:setAccids”;
 if(listStdAccTeam!=null && listStdAccTeam.size()>0){
 for(AccountTeamMember recAccTeam :listStdAccTeam)
 listStdAccTeamMap=new List<AccountTeamMember>();
 for(Customer__c c:Trigger.old)
 Set<Id> idMgrs=mapAccMgrs.get(c.Account__c);
 if(listAccTeam!=null && listAccTeam.size()>0 )
 if(idMgrs!=null && idMgrs.size()>0 &&
 for(AccountTeamMember recATM:listAccTeam)
 else if(idMgrs==null)
 for(AccountTeamMember recATM:listAccTeam)
 List<AccountTeamMember> listDelATM=“select id from AccountTeamMember
 where id in:setDelATM”;
if(listDelATM!=null && listDelATM.size()>0 )
 delete listDelATM;

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Trigger Scenario 20:

When we create the Opportunity with the Probability=20, then the opportunity owner will be automatically added to the Account Team of the associated account for that Opportunity.


trigger UpdateATMwithOwneronOptyCreate on Opportunity (after insert,after update) {
 List<AccountShare> list_share= new List<AccountShare>();
 List<AccountTeamMember> list_atm=new List<AccountTeamMember>();
 for(Opportunity opp:Trigger.New)
 AccountTeamMember atm=new AccountTeamMember();
 atm.teamMemberRole='Account Manager';
 AccountShare share = new AccountShare();
 share.UserOrGroupId = opp.OwnerId;
 share.OpportunityAccessLevel = 'Read Only';
 share.CaseAccessLevel='Read Only';
 insert list_atm;
 if(list_share!=null && list_share.size()>0)
 List<Database.saveresult> sr=Database.insert(list_share,false);


In the above triggers

  • OpportunityTeamMember is the backend name of Sales Team
  • For the creation of the Account Team, we need to create Account Share which will be there at the backend
  • For the creation of the Sales team, we need to create Opportunity Share which will be there at the backend

Note: For more clarity, go to the Data Loader and click on the “Export” operation and click on the select “Show all Salesforce Objects” checkbox, then we can able to see Account Share and Opportunity Share.

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