Text: VB270 SQL Client Tool
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Click on the .NET tab
Double click on the Execute button
Above formal class write
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
// Code for button click execute
‘Execute (button_Click)
Dim cn as new SqlConnection
(“userid=sa; password = 123(changes from system to system); database = master; data source = sekhar”) (server name changes from system 2 system)
Dim stmt as String
Stmt = Mid (txtstmt.Text, 1, txtStmt.Text.IdexOf (“ “))
If stmt.ToUpper = ‘SELECT then
Dim da as new sqlDataAdapter (txtstmt.Text, cn)
Dim ds as new DataSet
Da.Fill (ds, “tmpTable”)
dgvResults.DataSource = ds.Tables (0)or (temptable)
lb1 Result.Text = ds.Tables (0).Rows.Count & “Rows selected”
Dim cmd as new SqlCommand
cmd.Connection = cn
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmd.CommandText = txtStmt.Text
cn.Open ()
cmd.Execute NonQuery ()
lb1Result.Text = Stmt.ToUpper & “Statement Executed”
End if
Catch ex as Exception
Lb1Result.text = “Error:” & ex.Message
lstHistory.Items.Add (txtStmt.Text)
End try
Code for clear button
‘Clear (button_Click)
txtStmt.Clear ()
lb1Result.Text = String.Empty
dgvResults.DataSource = Nothing
txtStmt.Focus ()
// Code for clear History button
‘ClearHistory (button_Click)
ListHistory.Items.Clear ()
For close button_click
‘Close (button_click)
Double click on List Box Control
‘(ListBox)listHistory – selected Index changed
txtStmt.Text = ListHistory.SelectedItem
Accept Button: btnExecute (if pressed enter)
Cancel Button: btnClose (if pressed esc)
Working with Add.Net disconnected model:
It is a class which provides the members for supporting the data navigations and manipulations.
Returns the number of rows present at the data member of the data set.
It is used to assign the data member of the data set to the BMB variable. We have some tables called categories; it is in the SQL server north wind database.
In public class Form1
‘Form declarations . . . .
Dim cn as SqlConnection
Dim da as SqlDataAdapter
Dim ds as DataSet
Dim bmb as BindingManagerBase
In public class sub form1 . . .
Cn = New SqlConnection (“user id = sa; password = ___ 123; database = northwind; data source = sekhar(server name differs)”)
Da = New SqlDataAdapter (“Select * from categories”, cn)
Ds = New DataSet
Da.Fill (ds, “Categories”)
Bmb = Binding Context (ds.tables (“Categories”))
Bmb.Position = 0
Code under ‘Form declerations
Public sub ShowCategory (By Val index as integer)
txtCid.Text = ds.Tables (“categories”).Rows(index) (“Category Id”)
txtCname.Text = ds.Tables (“categories”).Rows(index) (“Category Name”)
txtDesc.Text = ds.Tables (“categories”).Rows(index) (“Description”)
For First button1_clcik
‘First (button_click)
Bmb.Position = 0
ShowCategory (bmb.position)
// Code for previous button
‘Prev (button_click)
Bmb.position - = 1
ShowCategory (bmb.position)
“Code for next button_click
‘Next (button_click)
Bmb.position+ = 1
ShowCategory (bmb.position)
“Code for Last button_click
‘Last (button_click)
Bmb.position = bmb.count -1
ShowCategory (bmb.position)
Download “SQL 2000 Sample Db.msi” from the internet Install the above file.
The above step will create a folder in C:drive with the name “SQL Server 2000 sample Databases” and copies the sample Databases to the folder.
Open SQL Server Management Studio
Start Run
Connect to the “Databases” present at the object Explorer [F8] and click on “Attach”
Contains: It accepts the primary key value and returns true if the record is existing else returns false
Syntax: DataSetName.DataTable.Rows.Contains(PrimaryKeyColumnValue)
Find: It is used to return a data row if the record exists by accepting the PrimaryKeyColumnValue.
Note: If the record is not existing for the provided value then this method returns nothing where “nothing” is a keyword.
Let us have a table
(Code for search (button_click))
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Above search button_click in Form2
‘Form declarations . . . .
Dim cn as SqlConnection
Dim ds as SqlDataAdapter
Dim ds as DataSet
Double click on form code for form_lead
Cn = New Sql Connection (“user Id = sa; password = 123; database = north wind; data source = Sekhar”)
da = New Sql Data Adapter (“Select * from products”, cn)
ds = New DataSet
da.Fill (ds, “products”)
Here we are in search of pid so we have à to put primary constructor to the column.
ds.Tables (“Products”).Constraints.Add (“ProductId_Pk”, ds.Tables
(“Products”).Columns (Product Id), true)
Code for search button_click
‘Dim pid as Integer
Pid = Val (txtProductId.Text)
If ds.Tables (“Products”).Rows.Contains(pid) = True
Dim row as Integer
Row = ds.Tables (“Products”).Rows.Find (pid)
txtProductName.Text = row (“Product Name”)
txtQuantity.Text = row (“Quantity per Unit”)
txtPrice.Text = row (“UnitPrice”)
MessageBox.Show (“NoProductFound”, Me.Text)
txtProductName.Clear ()
txtQuantityName.Clear ()
txtPrice.Clear ()
txtProductId.Focus ()
// Code for close button_click
It accepts a primary key column value and returns the row index value if the record exists else the method returns -1.
In order to use the above method, it is mandatory that the data should be sorted based on the primary key column value.
DataViewName.Find (PrimaryKeyColumnValue)
Sample design
Code for Form3
Above the Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.Sqlclient
In Form3
Dim cn as SqlConnection
Dim da as SqlDataAdapter
Dim ds as DataSet
Dim dv as DataView
Dim tmpindex as Integer
In Form_Load
Cn = New SqlConnection (“Userid = sa; password = 123; database = north wind; data source = sekhar”)
da = New Sql Data Adapter (“Select from products”, cn)
ds = New DataSet
da.Fill (ds, “products”)
ds.Tables (“Products”).Constraints.Add (“ProductId_Pk”, ds.Tables (“Products”).Columns (Product Id), true)
dv = New DataView (ds.Tables (“Products”))
dv.Sort = “Product Id”
dgv.ProductsData.DataSource = dv
// Code for “Advanced Search” (button_click)
dvProductsData.Rows (tmpIndex).Selected = False
If ds.Tables (“Products”).Rows.Contains
(txtProductId.Text) = true
Dim index as Integer
Index = dv.Find (txtProductId.Text)
dgvProductsData.Rows(index).Selected = true To highlight
tmpIndex = index the item (row)
MessageBox.Show (“NoProductFound”, Me.Text)
txtProduct Id.Focus ()
End if
// Code for close
It is used to filter the data based on the condition.
DataViewName.RowFilter = condition;
Take new Form
For Label: Text = ProductName
TextBox1: Id = txtProductName
Button1: Text = Reset ID = btn Reset
Button2: Text = close ID = btn Close
For form text = Product Details
In Form4_Load (above)
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
In public class Form4
‘Form Declarations
Dim cn as SqlConnection;
Dim da as DataAdapter;
Dim ds as DataSet
Dim dv as DataView
// Form_Load
FlowLayoutpanel1.Controls.Clear ()
For i as Integer = 65 to 90
Dim ll .as New LinkLabel
ll.Text = chr (i) --- To return character or integer value
Add Handler ll.click, address of ll_click à to get to the link of the label by click event.
FlowLayoutPanel l.Controls.Add (ll)
Cn = New SqlConnection (“userid=sa, password=123, database = northwind, data source = “sekhar”)
Da = New SqlDataAdapter (“Select * from products”, cn)
Ds = New DataSet
Ds.Fill (ds, “Products)
Dv = New DataView (ds.Tables (“Products”))
DataGridView1.DataSource = dv
In form declarations
Private sub ll_click (by Val sender as object, By Val e as Event Args)
Dim as New LinkLabel See Dynamic Event Handling
l = CType (Sender, LinkLabel) Program back
dv.RowFilter = “ProductName like ““ &1.Text&”%”
// Double click on TextBox
‘txtProductName.Text changed
dv.RowFilter = String.Format (“ProductName like “{0}%””, txtProductName.Text)
// Double click on Reset For close btn
‘Reset (button1_click) End
dv.RowFilter = “ ”
It is used to search the data based on the Non Primary Key column i.e; based on a condition.
Note: Select the method of the dataset will return a collection of data rows if the record exists.
DataSetName.DataTable.Select (condition
In code write Imports System.data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
In Form5 code
‘Form declarations
Dim cn as SqlConnection
Dim da as SqlDataAdapter
Dim ds as DataSet
For Form5_Load
Cn = New SqlConnection (“userid=sa, password=123, database = northwind, data source = “sekhar”)
Da = New SqlDataAdapter (“Select * from products”, cn)
Ds = New DataSet
Ds.Fill (ds, “Products)
For show Products (button1_click)
‘Show products (button_click)
ListProducts.Items.Clear ()
Dim rows () as DataRow
rows = ds.Tables (“Product”).Select (“CategoryId =” & txtCategoryId.Text)
If rows.Length > 0 Then
For i as Integer = 0 to rows.length -1
ListProducts.Items.Add (rows(i) (“ProductName”)
MessageBox.Show (“No Data found”, Me.Text)
End If
For close btn
Execute ()
Consuming the .NET assembly from Windows Forms application
Add the reference of the assembly project [menu] Add reference
Write code as per Real.
Imports Bank270Transactions
For button1_click
‘Transfer (button_click)
Dim obj as New transactions
If obj.Transfer (txtfromacno.Text, txtToAcno.Text; txtAmount.Text) = True
MessageBoxShow (“Amount Transferred”, Me.Text)
MessageBoxShow (“error while transferring amount”, Me.Text)
End if
When we execute and hit transfer error occurs since we used delay signed assembly and it allows us to use but not to debug or execute. So we have to add a verification entry. Go to .Net Command Prompt
Sn – vr give complete path of assembly.
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