EX:- Suppose we have an customer Table, we have some fields which are frequently, ofliny, slowly, Rarely, Rapidly changed
C ID CN Add 11 A HYD stored in Achieve Data base or OLTP or Source 22 B SEC 33 C DEL The information is should from 2000 to 29th dec 2010 This data is stored in Target Ware House
Before Data
CID CN Add value column 11 A HYD
Copy 22 B GNT
Edit 33 E VZD
Compare Before Data with After Data Extract Extract Target Source Data Data
Output :- Table 1 :- EX: Before Data(Target) CID CN Add 11 A HYD 22 B GNT 33 C DEL 32 D VZD After Data: (Source) CID CN Add 11 A ASM
Edit 22 B GNT
copy 44 G PUNE
insert 32 E Cal
Get through the interview bar with our selected interview questions for DataStage enthusiasts
Output :- CID CN Add 11 A ASM 22 B GNT 33 C DEL 44 G PUNE 32 E CAL
Dimensional Tables
CUST id, C NAME, C ADD , Gender Fact Tables
C id, BAL, AREA, Trane Type , Data
Maintained History
After Data :- (Source) Before Data :- (Target) CID CN ADD CID CN ADD 11 A HYD 11 A HYD 22 B GNT 22 B SEC 44 E PUN 33 C DEL Output :- CID CN ADD 11 A HYD 22 B GNT 33 C DEL ----------------------------------- 22 B GNT 44 E PUN
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