Layouts in JSF- Tiles JSF- Tiles Integration: In case of web applications we have to provide very good user interface to improve look and feel To improve look & feel for the web application we have to organize all the web pages in a standardization manner. To organize web pages in a standard approach, we have to use layout mechanisms in web applications.
To provide layout mechanisms in web application we have to use a separate frame work like tiles f/w provided by apache
Tiles F/W is a commonly used f/w in almost all the web f/w like struts1, struts2,JSF,Spring..
If we want to use tiles F/w in JSF based web appl ns then we have to use the following steps Step-1 Get all the files F/W Specific jar files in web app lib folder
Commons- beanutils-1.6
Commons- collections-3.2
Commons- digester-1.8
Commons- loggings-1.0.4
Commons- struts Step-2 Configure tiles servlef in web. Xml file The main requirement to Configure tiles servlet in web. Xml file is to load all the files definitions at the time at loading web application i.e at the time of web application deployment i.e at the time at server start up àIn files servlet configuration we have to provide” definitions-config” initialization parameter with the names and location of files configuration file i.e files-dfts.xml file Web.xml < web-app > < servlet > < servlet-name> faces servlet</ servlet-name> < servlet-class> javax. Faces. Web app. Faces servlef </ > <add-on-startup>1</ > < /servlet > < servlet > < servlet name> titles servlet</ > < servlet-class> org.apach.struts tiles servlet</ > <init-Param> < param-name >definitions-config</ > < param-value >/web-inf/tiles-dets.xml</ > </init-param> <load-on-startup>2</ > < servlet-mapping> < servlet name> faces servlet</> <url-pattern>*.add</> < /web-app >
Step-3 Prepare layout page The main purpose to prepare layout page is to define a particular template in order to organize all the web pages
<tiles: insert attribute=”logical- name” flush=”false”/>
Layout.JSP <%@taglib prefix=”f”url=” / cone%> <%@taglib prefix=”files”url=”WEB-INIF/”%> <html> <body > <center > <table height =”100%”width=”100%”> <tr height =”20%”> <td calspan =”2”align=”center” bg color=”maroon”> </f:subview id=”header”> <files: insert attribute=”HEADER”flush=”false”/ > </f:subiview > </td> </tr> <tr height =”70%”> <td width =”20%”bg color=”light blue”> <f:subiview id=”menu” > <files: insert attribute=” menu ”flush=”false”/ > </f:subiview ></td> <td bg color=”light yellow”> </f:subiview id =”body”> <files: insert attribute=” BODY ”flush=”false”/ > </f:subiview > </td></tr> <tr height =”10%”> <td colspan=”2” bg color=”blue”> </f:subiview id =”footer”> <files: insert attribute=” FOOTER ”flush=”false”/ > </f:subiview > </td></tr> </table> </html> Step-4 Prepare Tiles JSP page In JSF-Tiles applications, each and every JSP Page is treated as a file, we can prepare only no. of JSP pages as per the applicationn requirement like header. JSP, footer.JSP, Log inform. JSP-- Step-5 Prepare Tiles Configuration file The main purpose of files configuration file is to provide as the file def ns which we are going to use in web appl ns
<files-definitions> < definitions name=”--”page=”/--”> < put name=”--”value=”/--”> </definition> <definition name=”--”extends=”/--”> < put name=”--”value=”/--”> </definition> </files-definitions>
Step-6 In clued tiles defines into JSP Pages To include files defines into a JSP Page, we have to use the following tag from this tag library. <files: insert definition=”--”flush=”false”/> Where ”definition” attribute will take logical names of the def n available in files configurations file Extract struts.jar meta-INF
tlds(get struts – files led) and kee in WEB. INF Folder)
Ajax: http://rich faces. Org/arj Rich faceshttp://rich faces. Org/rich
Commons-beanu fils-1.7.0 jar Commons-collections-3.1 jar Commons-digestere-1.8 jar Commons-e1-1. 0 jar Commons-email-1. 0 jar Commons-file upload-1. 0 jar Commons-lang-2.1 jar Commons-logging-1.0.4 jar Commons-calidator-1.3.1 jar CSS Parser.0.9.5 jar Lightlight-1.0. jar Jste-1.0. jar Rich faces-components-api-4.3.4. final.jar Rich faces-components-ui-4.3.4. final.jar Rich faces-core-api-4.3.4. final.jar Rich faces-core-api-4.3.4. final.jar Sac-1.3.jar Ojb bc6.jar
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