Dimensions in SAP BPC

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Dimensions in SAP BPC

You can access the “Dimensions” view by selecting “Dimensions” under the “Dimensions and Models” domain in the left side panel.

This main overview page contains the list of all the dimensions in the Environment.


“New” enables to create a dimension

“Edit Members” enables to edit the list of members

“Edit structure” enables to edit the Structure of the dimension to managing its properties

“Delete” enables to delete a dimension or multiple selections of dimensions

“Copy” enables to create a dimension by copying a selected dimension “Processing” enables to process a dimension or multiple selections of dimensions

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To be able to create a Dimension, you need to access and select the “Dimensions” view under the “Dimensions and Models” domain in the navigation panel Click on the “New” button in the toolbar A dialog box opens in which you can specify 

  • An ID (mandatory)
  • A Description (optional)
  • A Type (mandatory)

The different Dimensions Types are:

  • Account (A)
  • Category (C)
  • Audit (D)  new caption (“Data Source” in .)
  • Entity (E)
  • Group (G)
  • Intercompany (I)
  • Currency (R)
  • Subtables (S)
  • Time (T)
  • User-defined (U)


Depending on the type of Dimension, some specific system properties are automatically generated.

The rows of these properties in the list are fully highlighted with a blue background which means that they cannot be deleted nor modified.

You can now save or add some properties, some hierarchies, and set some other settings if required.


Then you can edit the Structure of a dimension from the list of dimensions (command in the toolbar) or from the list of members (hyperlink).


In all types of Dimensions, you can manually add a new user-defined by using the “Add New Property…” menu.

A user-defined property can be then deleted. You have to select it in the list and use the “Remove” command.

You can then also change the Name and the number of characters directly in the cells of the list of properties. The same for the ID but only if the new property has not been saved yet.

Required Properties for Consolidation, Ownership, and Rate

Depending on the type of the Dimension, you can automatically add a set of required properties for Consolidation and/or Ownership and/or Rate. You can use the “Add Required Properties for Consolidation (or Ownership or Rate) menu in the toolbar to add these properties. Technically speaking, these required properties are user-defined properties. This means that you can remove and change them as you can do for a property you add manually.


In the same Structure page of a dimension, you can add some hierarchies.

Click on “Add” to create a new hierarchy.

This command opens a dialog box in which you must specify the Name of the hierarchy.

This Name is a caption (display name) and not the ID.

On the contrary to the. version, the ID of type “PARENTH#” is automatically generated by the system In ., you can have breaks in a sequence of hierarchy IDs (i.e. PARENT, PARENT, PARENTH…)

You can change the Name by editing the field directly within the list.

You can remove a Hierarchy by selecting it in the list and use the “Remove”

Dimensions in SAP BPC

Referential integrity setting: Depending on the type of the dimension, you can specify a dimension that will be used as a referential for validating the values of a specific property. This is the same setting as the “Reference Dimension” in the. version.

Allow Member Formulas setting: You must check this option to be able to specify some member formulas for the dimension in the “Member Formulas” view (“Rules” domain). If not checked, the dimension is not available in this “Member Formulas” view.




You can create a new member by entering a valid ID.

Once saved the ID cannot be changed anymore.

The max length of an ID is now up to characters.

Status of a member: Member status is displayed in the row headers of the list for all the Members that have been edited (new or modified members).

A Specific icon enables to identify the status of these members:

Member has been inserted

Member to be saved


A tooltip provides a description of the status and details for errors.

This status is partially updated on the fly and then updated or confirmed when saving.

You can create a new member by entering a valid ID.

Once saved the ID cannot be changed anymore.

The max length of an ID is now up to characters.


In addition, you can identify in the grid the properties/cells that have been changed thanks to the yellow background.


Reverting changes: You can revert the changes made to some members as long as these changes are not confirmed when saving.

After selecting the rows for which you want to abort the changes, use on the "Revert" command.

The members will be restored as they were at the last saving.


Restore deleted members: You can access the list of the “Recently Deleted Members” (i.e. removed from the list) and restore all or some of them as long as these deletions are not confirmed when saving.


Sorting order / Apply for Hierarchy order: By default, the list of members is sorted by ascending ID and you can then apply a new sorting order to this column or other column(s).

On the contrary to the. version, the order of members that a user can specify in the list is not persisted when saving.

However, the user can manually define the order of members under each node of a hierarchy and then apply this specific sorting order to the list of members when he/she wants by using the “Apply Hierarchy Order” command.



If some hierarchies have been defined for a dimension (in the Structure page) you can then open a graphical editor to edit these hierarchies.

Use the “View” drop-down list and select “Hierarchy” to edit the hierarchies. You can reorder leaves and nodes of a hierarchy directly in this editor by using the “Move Up” and “Move Down” buttons or by drag and drop.

You can also change the parent/child relationships using the drag and drop capability.

If there are several hierarchies in the dimension, you can switch from one to another by using the “Show” drop-down list.

You can also choose to display either the member ID only, the member description only or both by using the “Display” command



You can save only the members that are valid for saving.

All errors are detailed in the message displayed in the status -panel and in the row headers of the invalid members.

When closing a dimension if some changes have not been saved due to some errors, these changes will be lost 


You can process a dimension from the list of members (list or hierarchy view) by using the “Save and Process” command.

Some checks are only performed when processing and thus some members that have been saved could be not valid for processing.

All errors identified at this stage are detailed in the message displayed in the status panel.

You can also process a dimension later (after saving and closing the Dimension) from the main list of dimensions


Member Formulas:

You can access the “Member Formulas” view by selecting “Member Formulas” under the “Rules” domain in the left side panel.

A first overview page contains the list of all the dimensions for which member formulas are allowed (see above the setting in the structure of a dimension).

You can see the ID and the description of these dimensions. The number of formulas is also displayed and the status of the dimension (the same as in the list of dimensions, i.e. Need to be processed or not).

A toolbar enables the user to perform some actions on the selected dimension(s).

“Open” enables to open the list of formulas of the dimension “Process the dimension” enables to process a dimension or multiple selections of dimensions


To create a new member formula, open the list of formulas of the dimension and then use the “New” button.

In the Formulas editor, you can select the member that must be calculated and then type the syntax of the formula


The next overview page contains the list of member formulas of a dimension.

You can see the ID of the calculated member, the syntax of the -formula, and the status of the member formula (i.e. the formula needs to be processed or not).

A toolbar enables the user to perform some actions on the selected formula(s).

“New” enables to create a member formula

“Edit” enables to open a formula

“Delete” enables to delete a formula (multiple selections allowed)

“Processing the dimension” enables to process the dimension

The formula is only validated when processing the dimensions. In this editor, the system only checks that the selected member does not already have a formula and that the syntax does not have more than

When a formula is added or changed, the dimension needs to be processed.

The status of the dimension is updated accordingly.

The status of the formula too (this enables us to identify which formulas in a dimension that needs to be processed after creation or modification.

For in-depth understanding click on


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