Developing JSF2 Validations Application

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ABC.PROPERTIES Sid= student id Sname-student name Saddr-student address Semail-student email Smobile-student mobile Button=add student Javax.faces. validator.  Regexvalidator. Not.matched- detail Value must be provided in “{o}” format Sid-validation-msg=student id must be started with dss   Index.html <html> <head> <meta http-equal=”Refresh” context=”2; url=http://local host:1010/ Jsf2validations app/student add form.dss”> <head> <body> <h1>Application is loading </h1> </body> </html>   Student add form.jsp <%@laglib prefix=”f”url= <%@                            ”h” <html> <f:view> <h1>soft pvt ltd</h1> <h2>student add form</h2> <h:form> <h:panel Grid columns=”3” > <h:output text value=”#{msg.sid}”/> <h: input text id=”sid” value =”#. { student bean.sid}” Required=”true” required message=student IN is required”> <f:validator validator In=”sid validator”/> </h: input text> <h:message for=”sid”/> <h:output text value=”#{msg. sname}”/> <h: input text id=”s name” value =”#. { student bean. name }” Required=”true” required message=student name is required”> </h:input text> <h:message for=”sname”/> <h:output text value=”#{msg. saddr}”/> <h: input text id=”s addr” value =”#. { student bean. naddr }” Required=”true” required message=”student address is required”> <h: message for=”saddr”/> <h:output text value=”#{msg. semail}”/> <h: input text id=”s email” value =”#. { student bean. semail }” Required=”true” required message=”student email is required”> <h: message for=”semail”/> <h:output text value=”#{msg. s mobile}”/> <h: input text id=”s mobile” value =”#. { student bean. S mobile }” Required=”true” required message=”student mobile required”> <f:validate Ragex pattern=”/d{2}-/d{10}$”/> </h:input text> <h: message for=”smobile”/> <h:command button value=”#{msg. button}”action=#{student bean. add}”/> </h:panel Grid> </h:form> </f:view> </body> </html>   Success.jsp <%@laglib prefix=”f”prefix=”h” <html> <body> <f:view><h1>student Registration success</h1></fiview> </body> </html> Package com. soft; Public class student bean{ Private string sid; Private string sname; Private string saddres; Private string semail; Private string smobile; Private string saddres; //provide setter()&getter() Public string add(){ Return”success”; } }   SIDVALIDATOR.JAVA Package com.durgasoft; Import java.util.x; Import java. faces. application. applicaiton; Import java. faces. application. facesnessage; Import java. faces. Component.uicomponent; Import java. faces. Context.faces context; Import java. faces. Validator, validator; Import java. faces. Validator, validator exception; Public class SID validator implements validator{ Public Void validate(faces context tc,UI Component ue,object val) Throws validate exception{ String sid=(string)val; If(!sid.strtswith(DSS-“)){ Faces message fm=new faces message(); Application application=fc.get application(); String prop-path=application. Get message bundle(); Resource bundle rb=resource bundle. get bundle(prop-path); Strubg err-msg=rb.get string(“sid-validation-msg”); Fm.set detail.(err-msg); Throw new validate exception (fm); } }   Faces-config.xml <faces-config….. -----xsd> <managed-bean> <managed-bean-name>student bean</managed-bean-name> <managed-bean-scope>session</> <managed-bean> <navigation rule > <from-view-id>/student add from.jsp</  > <navigation case > <from-outcome>success</    > <to-view-id>/success.jsp</    > </navigation case > </navigation rule> <validator> <validator-id>sid validator</   > <validator-class>com. soft.SID Validator</   > </validator> <application> <resource-bundle> <base-name>abc</  > <var>msg</  > </resource-bundle> <message- bundle >abc</message- bundle > </application > </faces-config > Web.xml       Step2 -  Configure user- defined converter class in faces – config.xml file <faces- config> --------- <Converter> <converter -id>converter logical name</  > <converter-class>fully qualified converter class</  > </converter> ----- </faces-config>    Step-3 Use. User- defined converter in both i/p and o/p UI Component To use converter in i/p and o/p UI Components wl have to use the following tag <f:converter conver ID=”--”/> Where “converter Id” attribute will take logical name of the converter class which we provided in [for example appl n on JSF data table, GUI Components & converters refer hand out given o n16 th Nov 2013]    

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