It’s used to track the stateful session.
Sup id | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 |
Sup name | XYZ | ABC | DEF | GHI |
Sup A/C name | AAA | BBB | CCC | DDD |
Name/correlation BPEL-> Synchronous /Asynchronous
Input id
Output Sid
Sname String
SAname String
poll for new or changed
Correlation – right-click
Create Correlation
Name(correlation set_SD) ----> next
Property ---> Right-click
Create property
Property _SD – ok -> It shows new projects automatically
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property Allais right click
create property alias
Correlation BPEL
Part payload- select
ctrl+space ---> .select id – ok
property Allais ---> right-click ----->
create property alias
Correlation BPEL
DB poll
ctrl+ space -> ./Table Name/SID
Receive 1:
Double click
add ----> correlation set
Set | Initiate |
Correlationset_SID | YES |
Receive 2:
Double click
add ---> correlation set
Oracle SOA Interview Questions
Set | Initiate |
Correlationset_SID | NO |
Deploy project
<Element name = “employee name” type = “string”, min occurs = “1”, max occurs = “unbounded” />
This tag is used n the XSD source page after the<element name = “name” type = “string”>
After creating a 10g project it’s automatically creates
BPEL console [wait time increase]
Manage BPEL Domain
Synchronous max wait time
45 sec -> 55 sec
Note: If it changes 45 to 55 then it reflects all projects.
We can create from the top of the “BPEL process”
We can create from ”scope activity”
SCA ----> service component Architecture
SOA is a middleware technology.
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