In JSF based web appl ns we will use the following components to prepare user interface <h: input text>text field <h: input secrete>
password field <h: select many check box>
group of check boxes <h: select Boolean check box>
single check box <h: select many list box>
list box with multiple selections <h: select one list box>
list box with single. Selection <h: select many menu>
select box with multiple selection <h: select one menu>
select box with single selection <h: select one radio>
group of radio buttons with single selection <h:text area>àtext area <h:command button>
button, submit button, reset button <h:command link<>
There are two ways to provide values to the GUI Components like check boxes, radio buttons, list boxes, select boxes.
<h: select many check box id=”sequel” value=”#{student bean. sequal}”> <f: select item item label=”BSC”item value=”BSC”/> =”MCA” =”MCA”/> <h: select many check box>
Private list<string>sequel; Set()— Get()—
<h: select many check box id=”squeal” value=”#{student bean. Squeal}”> <f:select items value=”#”{student bean. qual}”> </h:select many check box>
Public class student bean{ Private static array list<select item>qual; Private list<string> squals; Static { Select item item1=new select item(“BSC”,”BSC”); (“MCA”,”MCA”); (“PHD”,”PH”); Qual=new array list<select item>(); Qual.and(item1); (item2); (item3); } Public Arraylist<select item>getqual(){ Return qual; } Set qual(){---} Set qual(){---} Data table This GUI Component can be used to display data Syntax
<h: data table value=”--”var=”--”style class=”--”header class=”--” row classes=”--”column classes=”--”> <h:column> <f:facet name=”--”>value</f:facet> </h:column> ------ </h: data table >
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