Every initial load it is recommended to take a backup of ‘data area’, ‘log area’, and ‘configuration files’.
Backup of data area: This is done from the persistent stage to the external backup location
Backup of log area: This is the automatic activity by the system scheduler where we have to define the level of logs to be captured.
Backup of configuration files: Here we have all landscape settings, DB settings, privileges settings, etc., in .INI file which is to be backuped manually.
To take backup the user should have two privileges
Process for taking BACKUP
Log on to HANA Studio.
Right-click on DB System
Select the backup option
Provide the base path where you take back up
(Which is already defined in global .INI file)
Inclined to build a profession as SAP HANA Developer? Then here is the blog post on, explore SAP HANA Training |
To recover the system from failure it will ask you to shut down after the recovery point.
Go to HANA Studio Administrator
Select system
Option select recovery point.
1) Recovery to a specified point of time
2) Recovery to a specified log position
3) Recovery of a specific data backup
/usr/sap/HAN/HDB 52/backup/data
Checkout our Blog on SAP HANA Tutorial |
When you open HANA Studio you have to connect the HANA DB further
We have to right-click on the mode & click an add system
To export the development landscape to testing & production
First, we have to create a landscape for testing and production frost we have to create a landscape.
XML file exporting later we can find import the same on quality & production
We can ‘stop & Restart’ the DB system from HANA studio
In HANA studio ‘load / unload’ option will allow you to commit the data Ram into main memory.
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