To prevent from known and unknown error at rentine and doing our user-defined action is called error handling
we need to set an error level for handling the error
.Set error level<error code>Severity <Integer>
.Set error level 6784 severity 4
.Set error level 807severity 8
.Set error level 2121 severity 12
.Set error level 5678 (or)unknown severity 16
Inclined to build a profession as Teradata Developer? Then here is the blog post on, explore Teradata Training
HIGHEST Return code=0 means script success
/*Rum File c:BTEQconn. TxT;*/
.Set session 4;
Database Vinayaka;
.Set error level 3807 Severity 4
.Set error level 6066 Severity 8
Select*From party22;
Insert into party(1,’vinay’,34567865);
.IF error level =4 then insert into Translog1(‘vubat1’’ Table is ’not created”);
Insert into party 22(12345678912345678,’Vinay’);
.If error level -8 then. Remark ’Range invalid,’ don’t load the table;
Skip =20 , Repeat =60
By using skip=20 and repeating =60 there is a table with 10000 Records, but I Require Top 10 income person Details in the file
1) Select
Order by PI Desc:
Ans: .LOGON By writing multiple import statement we perform the operation
Import infile file1
Insert/update <statement1>
Import infile file2
insont /undate<statey>
1.The file specified does not exist
Ans:- If the input file path/script path wrong we get these types of error
We get this at the time of in the below scenario
a)If multiple ends of the file marks are those
b)If the user class structures no. of column and data structure.
c)Not matching input record effect
7. the values specified
Start Run
Start programs
Tera data Client
Tera data fast load
It uses an error table and one log table
Generally, the below error move into the error Table one
Structure: Party
If the table is having UPI And we try to store duplicate Records and those Records move into error table2
Similar to the Target table
Teradata DBA Interview Questions
FAST Load Internal take log table for implementing Restart ability
Whenever Script fails the system stores the failed point in the fast log table
After rectifying the error, if we restart the FAST Load script it starts from the last point in the fast log table
Once script executed succeed to content in the fast log table related to target table deleted
This table is available sysadmin Select* From SYSADMIN.FASTLOG;
Number of records in Source file= Number of Records Loaded to target(2)
+Number of Records loaded error Table(1
+Number of Records Loaded error table(1)
+Number of duplicate records log file(1)
.Set Record<Records Format>
<Create/DROP/Delete Commands>
Begin loading<Data base name. table name> phase1 starts
Error files <Error table1>,< Error table2>
Check point<Integer>
End Loading phases starts.
To load data into an empty table at the time of initial load
To load data into stage table[Truncate and load tables]
Checkpoint is either Records based or Time based
We need to take a checkpoint was, it is happening for every 10 to15 minutes
It provides better Restorability
{-1-1core} reads 30 minutes
{1- core} write 25 minutes
After Rectifying the error if you start, it starts from 1st Record ”Reading”
While writing failed at 99,99,998th Record
10 Lacks check point
{1- 10L(Read)} {1- 10L(write)} 1 checkpoint
{10L +1-20L(Read)}{101 - 202} 2 check point
{90 L+1- 1 Crore (Read)} {90 C+ 1- 1 Crore(Fail)} 9 check point
After Rectifying the error if you start, it start from last Record 90L+ Reading[Because of checkpoint in Log table]
If records<41c then check point 100000
If records>41c then checkpoint 50000
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