Welcome to Adobe CQ5 Tutorials. The objective of these tutorials is to provide in depth understanding of Adobe CQ5 Experience Manager concepts. In these tutorials, we will cover topics such as Architecture, Components, etc.
In addition to Ajax Tutorials, we will cover common interview question and issues Adobe AEM CQ5.
Adobe CQ5 Developer Training teaches developers the fundamentals of building a custom CQ application, based on templates and components. This includes practice with CQ development techniques such as developing templates and authoring environments for mobile sites and websites, dynamic image rendering, navigation and modularization, using both CRXDE Lite and CRXDE.
In-depth lecture presentations and discussions introduce concepts essential to CQ while comprehensive hands-on exercises, using CRXDE, reinforce concepts learned during lecture presentations. The overall goal of this training is to enable developers to create and understand basic CQ development practices and to prepare themselves for project work under the lead of a senior web developer.
Interested in mastering Adobe Experience Manager? Enroll Now for FREE Demo on Adobe Experience Manager Training. |
Servlet Engine: The Servlet Engine acts as the server within which each CQ (and CRX if used) instance runs as a web application.Any Servlet Engine supporting the Servlet API 2.4 (or higher) can be used.Although you can run CQ WCM without an application server, a Servlet Engine is needed. Both CRX, and therefore CQ WCM, ship with Day’s CQSE (CQ Servlet Engine), which you can use freely and which is fully supported.
Java Content Repository (JCR)A Java Content Repository uses the JSR-170 API to access the content repository using Java, independent of the physical implementation. JCR is theJava Content Repository standard, also known as JSR-170 after its Java Specification Request.A repository effectively consists of two parts:
-A Web application that offers the JSR-170 compliant API and temporary data storage (in the form of the session).
-A Persistence Manager with persistent data storage, such as the file system or a database.
Content Repository Extreme (CRX) is Day Management AG’s own repository product. See the CRX documentation for more details; including direct access using WebDAV, CIFS, File Vault etc.
CQ5 :The common foundation of the CQ5 platform provides a basis for the interoperability and seamless integration of all CQ applications. This is available to both:
-The applications that are integral to CQ itself
-Any customized applications developed for the CQ5 platform.
CQ WCM (Web Content Management) and the CQ Workflow Engine were the first applications developed to exploit the advantages of CQ5. CQ DAM and CQ Social Collaboration are now available and other Day products will be developed in the near future
Adobe CQ5 forms a stable platform for content-centric applications such as CQ WCM:
Learn more about Adobe Experience Manager Interview Questions in this blog post.
-Implementation of workflows for creating, editing and publishing of content
-Managing a repository of digital assets like images, documents and integrating them to the websites.
-Usage of search queries to find content no matter where it is stored in your organization.
-Setting up easily the social collaboration blogs, groups.
-Tagging utility to organize the digital assets such as images.
Check out the top Adobe CQ5 Interview Questions now!
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