Arranging the data in ascending / descending order It improves performance
Sort is required by ‘Remove duplicate’, ’Aggregator’, ’Join’, ’Merge’
In the Data stage
If Stable is true 1st occurrence will display
If Stable is false last occurrence will display
For Sequential: parallel we have partition type
For parallel: Sequential we have the Collecting method
For Sequential: Sequential we don’t have type
Seq seq
Oracle file
Load EMP file Partitioning Perform Sort
Select Dept No
Compile And RUN
Generating Group ID
After Sorting, every group’s 1st record is Set to ‘1’ and Corresponding records flow with ‘0’.
Job1:- Creating Group ID Sequential file Sort Data set Create a file Sorting.txt
E id | 11 | 22 | 11 | 33 | 11 | 22 | 11 | 33 | 22 |
E Name | a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i |
Loading Sorting.txt
Creates a .ds file
Sort - - >properties
-Sorting keys
Key = cid
Sort key Mode = Sort
Sort order = Ascending
Allow duplicates = True
Create Cluster key change column = True
Output Statistics = False
Sort utility = Data Stage
Stable Sort = True
Sort key Mode = Don’t Sort (provisory Group) =Don’t Sort (provisory Sorted) = Sort
Cluster Key
Key change
Note:- When creating Key change column = True Sort mode should be sort
When it is set to true, this column is set to ‘ 1’ for the 1st row is each group and corresponding records follow with ‘0’in the Same group and so on SortProperties
Do mapping
Compile and RUN
C id | E Name | Key change |
11 | a | 1 |
11 | b | 0 |
11 | c | 0 |
11 | d | 0 |
22 | e | 1 |
33 | f | 1 |
33 | g | 0 |
if data is already in a sorted state then
Oracle ---Sort—dataset
Load Sorted file properties
Sort key Mode = Sort (previously Sorted)
Create cluster key change column = True
output:- Generates Group ID’s
Blocking unwanted Data
In Data stages filter can be performed is 3 difference.
Filter | Switch | External filter |
Conditions on single columns | Based on UNIX command |
support1-- i/p128– o/p 1-- Reject link | 1—i/p1—o/pNo reject link |
Output Row only once = True
If it is Said to true, it will Send that row only to 1st where clause when it matches, and if it is false and that row is sent to all were clauses that make.
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Oracle enterprise filter
data set 1 (dept no =10)
Sat data set (Sal > 2000 and Sal <22000)
Load EMP table
Where clause = dept no = 10
Output link = 0
Where clause = Sal > 20000 and Sal < 22000
Output link = 1
Output Reject = false
Output Row only once = false
Click on link
1 Sal output link
Click on output
7782 10
7839 10
7934 10
7369 20
7499 30
7521 30
7654 30
7844 30
7836 20
7940 20
7934 10
Oracle filter dept ds1
Sal ds2
Where clause = dept no = 10
Output link = 0
Where clause = Sal > 20000 and Sal < 22000
Output Row only once = True
7369 20
7499 30
7521 30
7654 30
7844 30
7876 20
7900 30
If we don’t want to display Sal > 20000 and Sal < 22000 conditions for dept no = 10, then just interchange the where clauses
Output row once = True
Where clause = Sal > 20000 and Sal < 22000
Output link = 0
Where clause = dept no = 10
Output link = 1
Output Row only once = True
Data set 1 Data set 2
7369 20 7782 10
7499 30 7832 10
7521 30
7654 30
7844 30
7873 20
7900 30
7934 10
we a reject link to capture discarded data:-
DS 3
7566 20
7698 30
In SQL plus, Create a table Sorting
Create table Sorting (c id number (3), E name varchar (5));
Insert into Sorting (c id, E name) values (I, cid, ‘& e Name’)
Oracle:- load Sorting table
Sort:- key = E id
Sort key Mode = Sort
Create key change column = true
where clause = key change = 1
Where clause = keyword = 0
Output link =1
click on output
DO Mapping
Compile And RUN
DS 1
E id | E name | Key change |
11 | A | 1 |
22 | B | 1 |
33 | C | 1 |
E id | E name | Key change |
11 | C | 0 |
11 | E | 0 |
11 | G | 0 |
22 | F | 0 |
22 | I | 0 |
33 | H | 0 |
Output Map EMP, ds link 3
Where = dept no = 10
Output link = 0
Where = Sal > 20000 and Sal < 22000
Output link = 1àlink ordering
Output :- Map dept, Sal
Output rejects = True
Output row once only = True
Compile and RUN
Where = dept no = 10
Output link = 0
Where = Sal > 20000 and Sal < 22000
Output link = 1
Output rejects = True
Output row once only = True
Do Mapping
Where = dept no = 10
Output link = 0
Output rejects = True
Compile and RUN
Switch input
Selector = dept no (Column on which we are writing condition)
Selector mode = user . defined mapping
User defined Mapping Case = 10 =0 link ordering
Case = 20=1
Options :-
If Not found = Drop
If not found = Output
11 Suman new work 100
22kumar new work 101
33 sumathi new wok 102
44 Archana Pennsylvania 100
55 renu new jersey 101
66 eswamin new York 001
77 sravani new York 101
File = D:/shilpa/external .txt àLoad it with Single column àColumns records varchar 255
Filter command grep – I “NewYork” Output
load the Structure
records varchar 255
Data set
PropertiesLoad a file
Peek:- DO mapping
Filter command = grep -I “new York”
OutputàLoad with a single column
Filter command = grep -I “pernyslavaria”
Load with a single column
Oracle ---Sort 1—Sort2 ----Data set
Sort 1
Key = Dept No
Create a Key change column = True output
Do Mapping
Sort 2
Key = Dept No
Sort keyword Mode = Don’t Sort previously Grouped
Sort order = Ascending
Key = Sal
Sort key Mode= Sort
Create key change column = TrueOutput
Do mapping
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