Table name = dim 1
Write method = upset Upset order = update then insert Compile and RUN In SQL plus, Select * from dim 1; Skip
S no S name
1 111 shilpa
2 222 Renuka
3 333 Archama
To insert new values delete SRC;
1 111 shilpa
2 222 Renuka
3 333 Archama
4 444 Sravani
SCD – type 2 Table 1 Create table SRC (S no number (3), S name varchar2 (25) ); Table 2 Create Table dim 2 (skid number (2), S no number (3), S name varchar2 (25), Es – date data, EE – data date, ACF varchar2 (2)); 5 types for SCD – Type 2 S 1 :- Select output link as fact link S2 :- Map the look up key S No S3 :-Source type = Flat file =Source Name = (Empty file name) S4:- Identify the purpose of each field Skid = Surrogate key S no= business Key S name = type 2 Es –date = Effective date EE – date = Expiration date ACF = Current Indicator (“Y”)
Skid = Surrogate key S no= S no S name = S name Es –date = Current date EE – date = “9999 – 12-31” (default DB/2 format) ACF = Current Indicator (“Y”)
EE – date = Date from Julian Day ((Julian Day from Date (Current Date ()) -1)) ACF = “N” S5 :- Map required fields to fact table
S1 :- Set Data set properties S2 :-Set oracle properties Table Name = dim 2 Write method = upset (update and insert) Upset order = update then Insert
Oracle enterprise 0 Load dim 2 table à column à change date to Times stamp
Oracle enterprise 1 Load SRC table
S no S name 111 shilpa 222 Renuka 333 Archama
Learn DataStage by Tekslate - Fastest growing sector in the industry. Explore Online DataStage Training and course is aligned with industry needs & developed by industry veterans. Tekslate will turn you into DataStage Expert.
Drag and drop the fields Times stamp to date (before. Es. date) = Es – date Times stamp to date (before. Es. date) = Ee – date In before change Es – date, Ee – date to date SCD 1) Select fact link 2) Map the look up Key SNO 3) Source type = flat file Source name = E:/shilpa/SCD 2. Txt; 4)Select all
Right click
clear derivation Derivation key purpose expire Double click Surrogate key () Skid Surrogate key S no business key S name type 2 Current date () Es – date effective date “9999 – 12 - 31” Ee –date Expiration date “Y” ACF Current indicator Ee – date = Date from Julian Day ((Julian Day from Date (Current Date ()) -1))
Compile and Run Output Skid S no S name Es – date Ee- date ACF 1 111 Shilpa Y 2 222 Reruka Y 3 333 Archana Y (b) Data set ---------------à oracle enterprise Copy the path of DFM Data set (a) - Columns -
Save --
(SCD) For indepth understanding of DataStage click on
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