SAME To more previously staged partitioning to next corresponding stage with same key column values. ENTIRE Can only be used in lookup stage with reference link when it is “normal lookup” In Entire what ever the records that are processing on N1, the same set of records are processed on the rest of the node.
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RANDOM - Default / Auto Round Robin Generates the next number with sequence Note :- All the Generating stages gives the best performance when they are associated with Round Robin.
column generator , Row generator, Surrogate Key stage RANGE It is an Expensive partitioning Technique than Mod and Hash . This technique needs data pre processing. Note :- Stage :- Write Range Map (Development/ Debug stage) To create the range if we want to use Range partitioning Web Console log in to “IBM information Server” with Same designer ID and PasswordàAdministration
users and groups
Reports We can view and generate reports Web console Admin DS Admin
Project level Administration (or) Repository level
Surrogate key
Sid | Cid | CN | Add |
1 | 11 | A | HYD |
2 | 22 | B | SEC |
3 | 33 | C | Del |
4 | 22 | B | GNT |
5 | 44 | E | PUN |
If we don’t take surrogate key
it maintains a new column active flag(indicate current address) o/p:
CID | CN | ADD | A.F |
11 | A | Hyd | Y |
22 | B | SEC | Y/N |
33 | C | Del | Y |
22 | B | GNT | Y |
44 | E | PUN | Y |
Ex: After data;(source)
CID | CN | ADD |
11 | A | HYD |
22 | B | Cal |
66 | G | ASm |
Before Data(Target)
CID | CN | ADD | A.F |
11 | A | Hyd | Y |
22 | B | SEC | Y |
33 | C | Del | Y |
Output Before data(Target)
CID | CN | ADD | A.F |
11 | A | Hyd | Y |
22 | B | SEC | Y/N |
33 | C | Del | Y |
22 | B | GNT | Y |
66 | G | ASM | Y |
After Data: (Source)
CID | CN | ADD |
11 | A | GNT |
22 | B | DEL |
55 | H | MP |
CID | CN | Add | A.F | Effective start date | Effective end date |
11 | A | Hyd | Y/N | 3-6-06 | (9999-12-31) 26-10-10 |
22 | B | SEC | Y/N | 3-6-06 | (99-12-31) 27-9-07 |
33 | C | Del | Y | 3-6-06 | 99-12-31 |
22 | B | Cal | Y/N | 28-9-07 | (99-12-31) 26-10-10 |
6 | G | ASm | Y | 28-9-07 | 99-12-31 |
11 | A | GNT | Y | 27-10-10 | 99-12-31 |
22 | B | DEL | Y | 27-10-10 | 99-12-31 |
55 | H | MP | Y | 27-10-10 | 99-12-31 |
Active Tag :- (A.F) New records will maintain flag ‘Y’
Old records ‘N’
Tables will data maintain effective start data and effective end data
If data is not displayed, then we get a new column record version , unique id
Record version, unique id SCD - Type Table 1 Create table SRC (SNO number (3), S name Varchar 2 (25));
Create the table and reject values Table 2 Create table CIM (SNO number (2), S name Varchar 3 Sname varchar2 (25));
Just create the table only 5 steps for SCD – Type 1
S1:- Select output link as Fact link
S2: Map the lookup key SNO
S3: Source type = flat file
= Source Name = (Empty file Name)
S4 : identifying the purpose of each field
S5: Map required fields to fact table
S1: Set Data set properties S2: Set oracle properties Table name = dim 1 Write method = upset (update and insert) Upset order = update then insert lab :- SCD – 1 Oracle enterprise 0 load dim 1 Oracle enterprise 1 Load src Sno Sname 111 shilpa 222 repeka 333 Archama SCD
Source name = E :/shilpa/scd1.txt empty file
Compile and RUN (b) Data set ----------------------àoracle enterprise à In table (a) , save the columns is Data set 1 and also copy the path of div 1 data set Now, is this job Data setpaste the path is the file
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