How to work with FTP (File transfer protocol) in Oracle SOA

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How to work with FTP (File transfer protocol) in Oracle SOA



WINSCP (or) FILEZILLA à using for creating username and password

  • Request to the admin

Admin 2 a. Create a folder

  • Permission to a folder(read and write)
  • access user name and password
  • IP address
  • Console 2FTP adapter(configuration)

Hostname :


User name:


  • J developer 2 FTP adapter
  • get 2 read
  • put 2write
  • synchronous get2 syn read
  • List files 2 list files

FTP Adapter configuration:

1. Install Filezilla (or) WINSCP

Open – Filezilla    2

4th option   2 general

Click add    2users(username)  ex: filezilla243

Password : welcome1 (note: 3 characters)

Click   2shared folders(left side)  2 Add  2

Folder path(ex: D:// FTP _ Remote)  2

  • Read
  • Write
  • Delete
  • Append
  • Create
  • Delete
  • List
  • Sub dirs   2ok

2. 7001/console  2

Deployment2 FTP adapter 2 configuration  2

Out band connection pool 2 new  2

Javax.  2

JNDI Name(eis.FTP.Ramesh1) 2finish  2

  • à expand  2

Eis.FTP.Ramesh1  2 click

Use the next button multiple times and set the property value of user name, password, port, hostname

Inclined to build a profession as Oracle SOA Developer? Then here is the blog post on Oracle SOA Training.

Note: In case of no password, FTP uses public/private key

  • Authentication type
  • Host
  • Private key file
  • User name
  • Use stop


  1. User name = filezilla user name (ex: file Zilla 243)
  2. Password = filezilla Password (ex: welcome1)
  3. Port = 21 (default)
  4. Hostname = localhost / (default) 2

Save  2 Deployment  2FTP adapters  2 update  2

Deployment port path : C:/Oracle /middleware/Oracle SOA1/SOA/connectors/plan.XML

Next  2Next  2 finish



i/p 2 invoke i/p


o/p 2 “success”

FTP – put adapters:

5-8 2 put file

6-8 2 direction path for o/p, filename (put.txt), append

7-8 2 native format

Sample txt:

123 sai  Teja

143  Ramesh Reddy

Project: (FTP _get ) poll


FTP get adapters:

6-10 2Directory for incoming files (physical path)

9 -10 2 Native format incoming file

Transform 1:

Receive i/p ?

invoke i/p variable




o/p 2directory size 2 string

filename 2 string

Directory 2 string

Modified time 2string

Creation time 2string

File size 2string


i/p 2 invoke i/p


Invoke o/p 2 o/p

FTP 2 list files Adapters:

6-82 incoming file path


We want to write the o/p in our system then we add invoke between “invoke _ FTP”  and “A2”.


Project (FTP _synchronous get)


MDS (Meta Data service)

  1. File-Based MDS
  2. CB based MDS

File-Based MDS:

C:/oracle /middleware/ J developer/ integration /seed/apps

Note: this ”apps” folder creates ourselves self and the folder name must give apps don’t five other names.

Apps subfolders(XML, XSD, XSLT, WSDL)


  • XML (fault buildings.XML, fault policies .XML)
  • XSD (PO.XSD, Internal order.XSD)


If the server is not working, then we are using “file-based mds”

File-Based MDS creation:

View 2resource palette2 New connection ----> SOA – MDS

Connection name(file-based – MDS) , connection type (file-based MDS) 2 browse 2(C:/oracle/middleware/ j developer/..../seed)2select ‘seed’ 2 text connection àok

XML,XSD,XSLT,WSDL(central repository 2 reused assets/artefacts)

Note: All projects WSDL keeping in the OER folder(11g)

DB Based MDS:

  1. Jar (java archives) XSD’s, XML’s, XSLT’s, WSDL’s
  2. SOA Bundle
  3. Deploy into server

1. Jar:

Create new project2 Select – generic project

Project name (DB based - MDS)2  finish

Note: this name doesn’t show is a server, only files show on the server

Right-click on project2new 2 click

Select 2Deployment + profiles

Select 2 JAR file 2ok

Deployment profile name (DB Based – jar ) 2ok

Click on 2 contributors and unmark  project o/p directory 2 project dependencies

Add 2browse2 (c:/oracle/middleware /...../apps)


Click on 2filters2 ok 2 ok

Note : select or remove XML,XSD....

2. SOA Bundle:

Select – project(DB based - mds) 2 Click 2 New 2 click2

Select – deployment profiles, SOA bundle 2 ok 2

Deployment profile name/DB Based – bundle -2ok 2

Select – dependences, DB based _ jar 2 ok 2ok

3. Deploy into the server:

Select project (DB based _ MDS) 2

Click 2Deploy – DB Based 2

(Deploy to SOA Bundle) 2next 2next 2 Finish

Select project (DB Based _MDS)2 Click 2

Deploy – DB Based – Bundle 2 Deploy to application server 2 next 2next 2

App_ server _ Ramesh1 2 next 2 default2 next 2finish.

DB Based MDS creation:

View ----> resource palette 2 database -2right-click 2 new DB connection 2 connection name(RCU_ MDS), Username(dev_ MDS), password(welcome1)

Test connection 2  ok

View 2 resource palette

Click 2new connection 2  SOA _MDS

Connection name(DB Based _MDS), connection Type(DB Based MDS), connection (RCU_MDS), select MDS Partition(SOA _ Infra )2 test connection 2ok


MDS -2 Only one server

OER (11g) Oracle Enterprise Repository à multiple server (or) MDS(Total company)

BSR(10g) Business service repository à multiple server (or) MDS(Total company)

Unit Testing (in the project it shows test suites)

2 types of testing

  1. Auto motion testing
  2. Manual testing(our doing)
  • Actual value = Expected value à test case pass
  • Actual value = ! Expected value à test case

Unit Testing

  • An assertion is a must in real-time
  • Input not given to the process we are given “Dummy input”.

If the client (or)DB – select is not ready to use but, we want to test the process that time we will use “unit testing”.

Project: CC validation

Unit Testing

  • It automatically creates tests, inside test suites

Double click on valid _1234 .XML

Unit Testing

Case 1:

Double click on CCvalidation _client

Generate sample à click


<CC number>1234-1234-1234-1234</CCnumber>



Case 1: we are giving dummy input to the process

Case 2: Data do not send to the DB _select, but it gives dummy o/p

Unit Testing

Unit Testing

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