These are two stages defined in current project architecture
Its process of study and analyzing source data. We can detect records with in the Null Values, duplicate Records, Inconsistency data and data definition.
1) Start value --- First Value
2) Increment By --- Amount to Increment at each iteration
3) End Value --- Highest value to use
4) Cycle --- If checked, sequence generator returns to start value when end value is reached otherwise it stops.
5) Number of cached Values --- Enables storing multiple values when the same sequence generator is used in multiple sessions simultaneously
6) Reser --- it checked each session returns to starts value; otherwise, each new session continues from the last stored value.
7) Trancing Level --- Level of detail to be written to session logs
Workflow Senarios:
A workflow is having a 5 session run first 4 sessions in parallel, If all four sesion are soccers then execute 5 sesion
Hint: Use Link Condition
Dynamic LOOKUP Cache:
The Integration Service inserts the records and updates the records in the cache. Use dynamic LOOKUP cache for eliminating duplicates (or) In implementing slowly changing dimensions Type1
The dynamic LOOKUP cache is used "when you perform a LOOKUP on target table"
Informatica Interview Questions & Answers
The dynamic LOOKUP transformation allows for the synchronization of the dynamic target LOOKUP table image in the memory with its physical tale in the database.
New LOOKUP row:
New look up | Description |
0 | The integration service does not update (or) Insert the row in the cache |
1 | The integration service inserts the row into the cache |
2 | The integration service update the row in the cache |
The LOOKUP transformation associates port matches a LOOKUP input port with the corresponding port in the LOOKUP cache.
The "Ignore NULL ports for updates" should be checked to port where NULL
The "Ignore a camparision" should be checked for any port that is not to be compared.
The flag "New LOOKUP Row" indicates the type of row manipulation of the cache. If an input row creates an insert in the LOOKUP cache.
The flag is set to "1" if an input row creates an updates of the LOOKUP ache the flag is set to "2". If no changes is detected the flow is set to "0". A filter or router T/R can be used with an updates to set the proper row flag to update a target table.
Source definition emp
Create a target defination with the name emp_DC
Empkey + All 8 columns
Create a mapping with the name m-employee-dynamic-cache .
From SQ-emp copy all the ports to the LOOKUP transformation
Double click on the LOOKUP transformation select the condition tab
LOOKUP table Column | Operator | Transformation port |
emp no | = | EmpNO |
Select the properties tab
Transformation attribute | Value |
Connection information | BSR - Writer |
Dynamic look up cache | |
Insert else update |
Select the ports tab
For a port Name empkey select the data type Integer
Port Name Associated Port
Ename Ename1
Job Job1
Hiredate Hiredate1
sal sal1
comm comm1
Deptno Deptno1
Click apply and click ok
Create the transformation type router
From LOOKUP transformation copy the following ports to the router transformation (new LOOKUP row, empkey, empno, ........deptno)
Double click the router transformation select the groups tab
GroupName GroupFilter Condition
New New LOOKUP row = 1
Update New LOOKUP row = 2
Click apply and click Ok
New Record Flow:
Create the transformation type Update strategy
From New output group copy the ports to [except new LOOKUP] Update strategy and develop the express DD-Insert .
From Update strategy transformation connect the ports to target.
Update Flow:
Create the transformation type Update strategy
From Updateoutputgroup copy th eports Update strategy transformation and develop the following expression DD-Update
From Update strategy transformation connect the port to target
UnConnected stored procedure - Drop and Create Index:
Create the following two stored procedures in the target database account.
Create or Replace procedure Emp_Create_Index
V_Table_Name in varchar2;
V_Index_Col_Name in varchar2;
V_Index_Name in varchar2;
Execute Immediate
Create Index space 'll V_Index_Namell' space on space 'llV_Table_Namell' C'llV_Index_Col_Namell')';
Procedure 2:
Create or REplace procedure Emp_drop_Index
V_Index_Name in varchar2
Execute Immediate
'Drop Index space ' ll V_Index_Name;
SetUp Target Table Defination With Index:
SQL> Create table emp_TGt as select * from Scott.emp where 1=2; enter
Table create
Mapping Designing:
Create source defination with the Name emp
Create a target defiantion withe the Name emp-TGT [using target designer tool]
Create a mapping with the Name m_drop_create_Index
Drop the source and target defination
From Sourcequalifier Connect the ports to target
Create two stored procedure transformations with the Name
SP_Drop_Index and SI_Create_Index:
Double click on the stored procedure transformation with the name
Select the properties tab
Transformation Attribute Value
stored procedure Target_preeLoad
call text emp_drop_index("emp_Index")
connection information BSR_Writer
Click Apply and click Ok
Double click on stored procedure with the Name Sp_create_Index
Select the properties tab
Transformation Attribute Value
stored procedure type terget_postLoad
call text emp_create_Index("Emp_TGT")
connection Information BSR-Writer
Click Apply and Click Ok
UnConnected Stored Procedure - Returning Multiplpe Output Ports:
Execute the following stored procedure in the source database account(username scott)
SQL> Create or Replace procedure Emp-
V_empNo IN Number;
TAX OUT Number;
HRA OUT Number;
SELECT SAL+NVL(COMM, 0), Sal *0.1, sal *0.4
Create source defination with the Name emp
Create a target defination with the Name emp_prc_var
EmpNo, EName, Job, Sal, TOTALsal, TAX, HRA,deptno
Create a mapping with the Name m_prc_var
drop the source and target defination
Create the transformation type storedprocedure and expression
From source qualifier capo the required ports to the expression transformation
Double click on expression transformation select the ports tab
Port name | Data type | precision | scale | I | O | V | Expression |
V – tax | Decimal | 7 | 2 | ||||
V – HRA | decimal | 7 | 2 | ||||
TOTAL SAL | 7 | 2 | |||||
TAX | 7 | 2 | V – Tax | ||||
HRA | 7 | 2 | V - HRA |
:SP – PROC – VRA(Empno,proc –result,V- tax, V- HRA)
Click Apply and Click Ok
From expression, transformation connects the ports to the targets.
From repository menu click on save
-->Shortcut is a reusable component
--> For create a shortcut, first we have to create sharable folders
--> Open the destination folder
--> Drag the object (source, target, mapping)
--> From the shared folder into the destination folder
i.e., source analyzer and mapping designer
--> You can create a shortcut to a shred folder in the same repository
When you will create a shortcut in the same repository that is known as the local shortcut.
Creation of Sharable Folder:
Open the client repository manager from folder menu select create enter the folder name AXEDW (any name)
select allow shortcut [-/] click ok
open the client power center designer
Activate the sharable folder (AXEDW)
Create source definition with the emp in the source analyser tool
Activate the destination folder where we want to shortcut.
From sharable folder drag the source definition emp, drop on source analyzer workspace which belongs to destination folder Click on Yes
Version Control:
--> By using version control we are maintaining the history of the metadata objects.
--> A versioned repository stores multiple versions of objects
--> Each version is a separate object with an unique number.
--> You can perform the following change management tasks to create and manage multiple version of objects in the repository.
Check in:
Check Out:
Check in:
Select the mapping m_customer_dimension , right click on that mapping select the versioning and click on checkIn
Name:Date:Goal |
Click on Applyall
Check out:
Select the mapping m_customer_dimension , right click on that mapping select the versioning and click on checkout
Comments |
Click on Apply to all
Click on save file, enter the file name 4pm_compare click on save
Partition Points Overview:
--> Partition points mark the boundaries between thread in a pipeline the integration service redistributes rows of do at partition points.
--> You can edit partition to increase the number of transformation threads and increase threads and increase session performance.
Types of Partition:
1) Key Range Partition:
--> With key range partitioning service attributes rows of data based on a port that you define as the partition key
--> For each port you define a range of values.
--> The integration service uses the key and ranges send rows to the appropriate partition.
(1) How many repositories are created in real time?
ans: minimum 3, maximum 5
--> Create a mapping with the name m_emp_partition
--> Drag and drop you source target emp_partition to the mapping designer
--> Copy all the columns to sa_emp and connect to the target
--> Doble click on the session, click on mapping tab
--> From left pane click on partition (below) tab
--> Select the source qualifier (SQ_emp), click on edit partition point
--> Select the partition type key range
Name Destination
Partition 1
Partition 2
Partition 3
Click on Ok
Click on edit key select the SAL column click on Add click Ok
Click on target emp_partition, click on edit partition point
Select the partition type, keyrange, click on Ok
Select the SAL column, click on Add
Click Ok, save on repository
Business Requirements:
Scenario 1:
Client Name BSR(customer Name)
Product IBMshare
Client order 5000
Account RAM(A person from Bank of America)
Client allocation 500
Client execution 500
Pending Amount 0
Scenario 2:
Client Name
Product IBMshare
Client order 1000
Account RAM(A person from Bank of America)
Client allocation 1000
Client execution 700
Pending Amount 300
Scenario 3:
Multiple client order and single market order
Scenario 4:
Designing Database from Requirements:
The datamart is designed with the following dimensional table and fact tables.
DM_T_DATE_DIM * ERVIN is a data tool
DM_T_MARKET_DIM * Tode is a database tool
ETLStage1 Implementation:
The source is defined with the flat files, the following are the delimited flatfiles which provide the data for extraction.
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Defining Staging Database:
Define the staging database as a target to perform the data profiling.
Create the following table in a staging database account
List of Table:
ETL Stage 1 Mappings:
Design the simple pass mappings which migrate the data from source to staging.
MT_stg_Account_Flatfile_Ora(source to stage)
MT_stg_Client_Allocation_Flatfile_Ora(source to stage)
MT_stg_Client_Execution_Flatfile_Ora(source to stage)
MT_stg_Client_Order_Flatfile_Ora(source to stage)
MT_stg_Employee_Flatfile_Ora(source to stage)
MT_stg_Market_Flatfile_Ora(source to stage)
MT_stg_Product_Flatfile_Ora(source to stage)
Defining Source metadata:
Logon to oracle with the user account system
--> Create a user Account with the Name SRC
--> Execute the following source table structure
Create odbe connection with the Name SRC_odbc
Import the source table definations from user account SRC
Convert the table definations to flatfile
Defining Staging Metadata:
Logon to the oracle with the user accout system
Create a user account stg
Executing the following table structures
Create the following stored procedure to populate the data into the stage table T_date
SQL> Create or Replace procedure date_stg_proc
v_start_date date : = to_date('01-01-2007','dd-mm-yyyy')
for i in 1...2000
insert into t_date values (v_start_date);
v_start_date : = v_start_date + 1;
end Loop;
Execute the above stored procedure in staging database
SQL> Exec date_stg_proc;
SQL> commit;
ETL Stage2 Implementation:
Source System:
Define the staging database source system with the following table
Defining The Target System:
Logon to the oracle with the user Account System
SQL> Create user CDM identified by CDM
SQL> grant DBA to CDM
SQL> connect CDM/CDM
Execute the following tables
create the ODBC connection with the name CDM_ODBC
Import the target table definitions from CDM user Account
--> product and exception product make to change the product key, and except key will make it as a forst and generate SQL.
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