Application Integration architecture
- It is loosely coupling
- Reusable artifacts ( ABO, ABM, EBO, EBM, EBS)
- Develop the integration with minimal time
Installation steps:
10 g
- Database
1. Data base
2. RCU
3. SOA
4. AIA foundation pack (FP)
5. PIP
Must install the same Version
Ex: O2B/ order to bill, O2C / order to cash, D2R/ design to release
After installation AIA FP It contains:
- ABO application business object
- ABM application business message
- EBO enterprise business object
- EBM enterprise business message
- EBS enterprise business service WSDL
- EBF enterprise business flow
- ABCS application business connector service BPEL
- CAVS composite application validation system testing
- BSR(10g) business service repository
- OER (11g)- Oracle integration pack
- PIP process integration pack
It’s a sample PIP
- EB
Differences between PIP & AIA FP
PIP (standard integration ) |
- We will take already developed architecture but, we are doing the same modification is means “customization”
1. we will develop the architecture from the starting stage means we are taking the xsd’s, WSDL’s and we develop XSLT mapping |
- Artifacts
- GAVS (unit testing à SOA )
- Error handling
- Logging
- 11g OER/10g BSR
- PID’s
10g FP Xsd’s path (https:// localhost: 7777/AIA components):
- Oracle / AIA home / AIA components / application objects library / application / schemas, ABO, ABM
- Oracle / AIA home / AIA components / enterprise objects library /core /EBO/Customer party /V2/XSDS , EBO, EBM
- Oracle / AIA home / AIA components/ enterprise business library/ core/ EBO/ customer party / V2/ WSDL’s EBS
11g FP XSD’s path [resource palette]:
- SOA – MDS / AIA – MDS/ Apps / AIA components/ application objects library/ ABO, ABM
- SOA – MDS / AIA – MDS/ Apps / AIA components/enterprise objects library/ EBO, EBM
- SOA – MDS / AIA – MDS/ Apps / AIA components/ enterprise business library/ EBS
3 types of customizing the PIP’s
- EBO customizing
- XSLT customizing
- Intension points
ABCS intension [ req/prov ABCS (or) EBF ]
- We will do orchestration inside EBF
- EBF takes multiple requests (if multiple requests come at a time then we are using EBP for recovery of the requests)
- Business rule workflow, human task & security
AIA console:
10g |
11g |
- https :// localhost: 7777/ BPEL console
- https :// local host:8007/ AIA
- BSR, CAVS, Error setup
- life cycle / OER, CAVS, Error setup
Host path: C: windows/ system 32 / drivers /etc / host open
Change the hostname
- 10g miner release (v1)
- 11g major release (v2)
- It’s a ‘canonical’ object model Common structure
Customizing EBO
- Adding extra fields to the existing EBO
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- Sale order EBO.xsd existing xsd
If we want to add fields to the existing XSD then we create a new xsd.
i.e custom sales Order.xsd
sales order EBO.XSD path
AIA home / AIA components / EDL / core / EBO / Sales order / v2/ sales order EBO .xsd
- Custom sales order EBO.XSD path
AIA home / AIA component/ EDL/ core /custom/ EBO /sales order/ v2/custom sales order EBO.XSD
Sample EBO’s:
- Item EBO.XSD
- Customer party EBO.xsd
- Sales order EBO.xsd
- Purchase order EBO.XSD
- Bill of material EBO.xsd
- Quote EBO.xsd
- Invoice EBO.XSSD
Components of EBO:
- Business components
- Common EBO’s
- Common components
- Reference components
Business components:
Use some elements from EBO.xsd
Common EBO’s:
One EBO is there then some elements are required /used commonly that time we are using common EBO
Common components:
Address can be called with the help of EBO’s
Unit price
Reference components:
Easily associate an EBO to other EBO
Header verb/crud EBO
Senders Operation canonical data model
Targets create elements
EBO names delete payload
EBM names update
EBM id sync
Fault notification- process
Tracking validate
Security query
Sample EBM’s:
- Item EBM.xsd
- Customer party ebm.xsd
- Bill of material EBM.xsd
- Invoice EBM.XSD
- Sales order EBM.xsd
- Purchase order EBM.xsd
- Quote EBM.xsd
Sales order EBM.xsd “elements”
- Create sales order response EBM
- Update sales order response EBM
- Validate sales order response EBM
- Delete sales order response EBM
- Process sales order EBM
- Process sales order response EBM
- sync sales order response EBM
- Query sales order response EBM
< element name = “create sales order EBM”>
<Data area>
<operation = “create”
<EBO name= “sales order EBO.xsd”>
<Element name = “create sales order response EBM”>
<Data area>
- It converts ABM to EBM (or) ERM to ABM
Request side provider side
- Enrich message
- Fault handling
- Validation
- Transformation
- Security
- We can implement X-ref &DVM’s
ESB (10g) / mediator (11g)
AIA service generator (10g)
AIA service constructor (11g)
Which will generate/develop BPEL PROCESS?
- Request ABCS
BPEL Process
- Provide ABCS
X-ref (Component identifies )
- The language specifies string represented by language-neutral codes
Static value mapping
ATA deployed projects URL’s:
- AIA 10g http://localhost: 7777/BPEL console
- AIA 11g http://localhost: 8001/AIA
- ESB (10g) http://localhost: 7777/esb
- Two ways we can create service
1. Entry service provides call
Create, update, Que, delete . . . . . . . . .
2. Process service EBP
- Naming convention:
- XSD’s biking from service:
- 10g http://localhost: 7777/AIA components
- 11g resource palette
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