Go to VS.NET click on File
click on new
click on website
select WCF service Template
select the language as visual c#
select the location as http
type the service application name (http://Local host /example1) Click on OK.
When we create a web service by default 3 files will be created.
1) I service .cs (this is an interface file that contains service contracts & Data contracts).
2) service .cs (this is a class file & contains an implementation of the interface file)
3) service.svc ( this is WCF service file) First 2 files i.e., I service.cs & service.cs are placed in a separate folder “app_code” Double click on app-code folder change I service.cs file name ot “I arithematic.cs” Change the service.svc filename to “clsarithematic.svc” Double click on I arithmetic.cs file change the interface name to I Arithmetic Delete the code available in interface Delete the code from data contract attribute to remaining
Write the following code in the interface,
[service contract] Public interface I Arithmetic
[operationcontract] Int add (int x, int y): [operation contract] Int subtract (int x, int y);
[operationcontract] Int multiply (int x, int y);
[operationcontract] Int divide (int x, int y);
Go to solution explorer à Double click on cls Arithmetic file in app-code folder à change the class ham ot cls arithmetic which inherits from I Arithmetic interface à Delete the total code available in the class & write the following code, Public class cls Arithmetic: I arithmetic
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Public int add (int x, inty) } Return x to y: }
Public int subtract (intx, inty) { return x-y; }
Public int multiply (intx, inty) { return x*y; }
Public int divide (int x, int y) { return x/y; }
Go to solution explorer double click on web.config fole Go to the tag<system.servicemodel>
change the service name to clsarithematic & contract to I arithematic like,
<service name =”cls arithematic” ……………….>
<end point address – “” binding = “Wshttpbinding” contract = “ I Arithematic”>
Goto solution explorer
double click on cls Arithmetic .svc
change the name service to cls arithmetic & code behind file name also from service.cs to cls arithmetic.cs
build the application & run the application.
Create a new website with the name “ check Example 1”
Design the webpage Go to solution exploreràselect the solution click with a right mouse button
click on “Add service reference “
Type http://local host /example1/arithematic.svc” in dropdown list box (this is the address we get in the address bar of internet explorer we run WCF service )
change the namespace name “ service reference 1” to “SR1”
click on ok
write the following code,
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