This control is used to arrange the controls in the form of grid. In general when elements are pieced with on the grid the elements (control) sizes will be scaled to the window size (a/c to window size ) automatically i.e if we increase / decrease the size of the window the control sizes will increase / decrease accordingly properties with grid layout
Column definition
Row definitions
This property is used to store the columns of the Grid control
This property is a collection property
This is a collection property used to store all the rows within the Grid control Example With Grid Control Create a new window
Create a new grid within the window
Divide the grid into no.of rows & columns
Select grid control
go to column definition properly
Click on ellipse is button
Click on add button for 5 tines (5 column & create ) Click on ok go to row definition property
click on ellipse is button
click on add for 4 tims (This creates 4 rows)
To create the controls
<Grid Name = “Grids”> <Grid Row Definition> <Row definitions/> <Row Definitions/> <Row Definitions/> <Row Definitions/> </Grid Row Definitions> <Grid column Definition> <column Definition/> <column Definitions/> <column Definitions/> <column Definition/> </Grid.column Definition/> <Text Box Name = “TI” Grid. Column = “0” Grid.Row=”0” properties Grid/column span = “5%> <button name = “bin 9” Grid.column = “0” Grid.Row=%> 9 </Button> <Button name = “bin 8” Grid. Column =”0” Grid.Row = “/”>8 </Bitton> <button Name= “bin menus” Grid – Column = “3” Grid.Row=”/”> - </button> <button Name = “binmultiply” “4” Grid.Row = “/”> - * </Button> <Button Name = “bin4” Grid.column = “0” Grid Row “2”> 4 </button> <button Name = “bin5” Grid.column = “1” Grid.Row = “2”> 5 </button> <button Name = “bin6” Grid.column = “2” Grid. Rows = “2” 6 </button> <Button Name = “bin plos” Grid.column = “3” Grid.Row = “2” + </button> <Button Name = “bin divide” Grid. Columns = “4” Grid. Row = “2”>≠</button> <button Name=”bin3” Grid. Column = “0” Grid.Row=”3”> 3 >/Button> <button Name=”bin2” Grid. Column = “1” Grid. Row = “3”> 2 </button> <Button Name=”bin1” Grid. Column=”2” Grid.Row=”3”> 1</Button> <Button name=”bin0” Grid. Column = “3” Grid.Row=”1”>0</Button> <Button name = “bin equal” grid.columns=”4” Grid.Row=”3” (page No.28 last line not printed)
These controls are used to work with images audio files, video files etc
This control is used to play video/audio files within WPf application. It is flexible to work with media elements because this control will provide a various properties and methods which will allow to customize media plays
This property is used to set a value for the startup of video / audio file
This property is used to set get the value when file 1 window is unloaded.
This is read only property gets the complete duration of video / audio file Data type of this property in duration which is a structure
Used to set 1 get the video/audio to be played from required position
Used to set/get the required speed ratio out is to increase / decrease the play speed
Used to set/get the required volume to the video / audio file that is to be played
used to set / get the video/audio file path that is to be played within the Media elements Data type of this property is RUI controls which is a class
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