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There are six properties available in Essbase Database. Those are

  • Store Data “S”
  • Dynamic Calc “X”
  • Dynamic calc and store “V”
  • Label only “O”
  • Shared members “H”
  • Never Share “N”

Store Data:

By Default, the storage type of any member is store data. That means data is stored for that member combinations. If it is a parent member, the member is calculated from its children and gets stored in database(i.e., in page files)

Dynamic Calc:

When we tag a parent member as Dynamic calc, the member gets calculated during retrieval time, and Analytic a\services don’t reset the storage space for the member combinations. During default calculations, the member won’t get calculated; installed it will get calculated during retrieval only.


Storage space will be reduced and default calculation time will get reduced


Retrieval time may increase now.

Note: We cannot use Dynamic calc on a level 0 member. We can tag on level 0 member, only if it has a formula attached to it.

QTR1 2007(Dynamic calc)

JAN 2007

FEB 2007

MAR 2007

Right-click on any member and click Edit Member properties. Click Data storage. A drop-down appears and Select Dynamic calc.

Dynamic calc and store:

When we tag a parent member as Dynamic calc and store, the member calculated during retrieval time and Analytic services don’t reserve the storage space for the member combinations. During default calculations, the member won’t get calculated; instead, it will get calculated during first retrieval only, and it writes the data into Essbase data base. Only first user may face some issues with retrieval time. For subsequent users, it is same as Store Data only.


Default calculations time will get reduced.


Retrieval time may increase now for the first user only. If two many concurrent users are there, it’s better of use Dynamic calc instead of Dynamic calc and store.

Note: We cannot tag Dynamic calc and store on level 0 member. We can tag on level 0 member, only if it has a formula attached to it.

QTR1 2007(Dynamic calc and store)

JAN 2007

FEB 2007

MAR 2007

Right-click on any member and click Edit Member properties. Click Data storage. A drop-down appears and Select Dynamic calc and store.

Label Only:

We can tag Label only non-Level 0 members only. When we tag parent member as label only, the parent will not get calculated from its child and time is no storage space reserved for the parent member also. We can save some time during default calculations and also we can save some storage space. Apart from the table only mainly eases navigation in the report. It’s a dummy parent which is used to group some members.

In the below example, cards related is a parent which is used to group related members

Measures dimension is the best example for Label only

Measures (Label Only)


In this example, Cards Related to label only. Cards related will not get calculated from CARDS REJECTED and CARDS ACTIVATED members Cards Related member will not have any spacer also reserved for it. In the reports, we can easily select the Cards related information.

Note: It doesn’t matter, what symbol is there on the child members under label only parent.

Right-click on any member and click Edit Member properties. Click Data storage. A drop-down appearsend Select Label only.

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