Defining more than one function with same name by changing -->number of parameters -->types of parameters --?order of parameters is called function overloading in C++ Function is overloaded when more than one function perform similar operation with different implementation A group of functions which perform similar operation refer with one name. overloaded function having polymorphism behaviour This is called name polymorphism There should not be any two functions with same
What is name Mangling
It is a process of giving unique name to over loaded function by compiler Compiler gives unique name each every overloaded function of linker Linker recognize the function with name
void fun1 (int x, int y) { cout<<x<<y; }
void fun1(float x,float y) { cout<<x<<y; }
void main() { func1(10,20); func1(1.5,2/5); }
void fun1_int(int x, in) { cout<<x<<y; }
void fun1_float(float x,float) { cout<<x<<y;
void main() { fun1_int(10,25); func1_float(1.5); }
Example # include<iostream.h> void sor(int a[],int size) { for(int i=0;i<size;i++) for(int j=0;j<size-i;j++) { if a[j]>a[j+1] { int t=a[j]; a[j]=a[j+1]; Linker
void main() { fun1_int(10,20) fun1_float(1.5); }
void fun1_int(int x,int y) { } void fun1_float (floatx.float) }
void sort(float a[], int size) { for (int i=0; i<size; i++) for (int j=0; j<size-i;j++) { if(a[j]>a[j+1]) { float t=a[j]; a[j]=a[j+1]; a[j+1]=l; } } }
void main() { int a[]={5,2,4}; float b[]={1.5,2.5,1.2}; sort(a,3); sort(b,3); int i; for(i=0;i<3;i++) cout<<endl<<a[i]<<”lt”<<b[i]; } }
void sort(float a[], int size) { for (int i=0; i<size; i++) for (int j=0; j<size-i;j++) { if(a[j]>a[j+1]) { float t=a[j]; a[j]=a[j+1]; a[j+1]=l; } } }
void main() { int a[]={5,2,4}; float b[]={1.5,2.5,1.2}; sort(a,3); sort(b,3); int i; for(i=0;i<3;i++) cout<<endl<<a[i]<<”lt”<<b[i]; }
# include <iostream.h>
float find-area(float.h) { return 3.147*r*r; }
float find-are(float b, float h) { return 0.5*b*h; } void main() { cout <<”n1.Area of circle”; cout<<”n2. Area of Triangle”; cout<<”\n input your option”; int opt; cin>> opt; switch(opt) { case 1 : float r; cout<<”\n input r”; cin >> r; cout<< “\n Area of circle is ”<< find-area®; break; case 2: float b,h; cout<<”\n input b,h”; cin>>b>>h; cout<<”\n Area of triangle is ”<< find –area(b) brak; default: cout<< “\n invalid option”; } }
# include <iostream.h>
void func1(int x) { cout<<”\n inside one parameter function”; }
void func1(int x, int y=0) { cout<< “\n inside two parameter function”; }
void main() { fun1(10,20); func1(30); }
The above program displaying compile time error. Because there are two functions which match with function call sending one argument eg -1 : # include <iostream.h> fun c overloading void print(int x) { count <<”\n inside inter print function”; }
void print(float x) { cout<< “ \n in each “ }
void print(double x) { cout<<”\n inside double print funciton”; }
void main() { cout<<”\n inside double print function”; }
void main() { clrscr(); print(10); print(1.5); //(double value) print(2.5f); // (floating value) }
Calling on invoking function by sending address on pointer is called pass by address. In pass by address function parameters are declared of type pointer.
Sharing data between the functions. Increase efficiency of program Note :
eg : # include <iostream.h> void swap(int *p,int *q) { int l=*p; *p=*q; *q=t; }
void main() { int x,y; cout<<”\n input x,y values”; cin>>x>>y; swap(&x,&y); count<<”\n after swapping \n”; count<<”\n <<x <<” \t “” <<y; } o/p : input x,y values 10 20 After swapping 20 10
# include <iostream.h> # include<conio.h> void string_copy(char *dest, char *src) { for(int i=0; src[i]!=’10’;i++) dest[i]=scr[i]; dest[i]=’10’; } void main() { char str1[10],str2[20]; clrscr(); cout<<”\n input any string”; cin>> str1; string_copy (str2,str1); string_copy(str2,str1); cout<<str1<<endl; cout<<str2<<endl; } o/p : input any string nit after copying nit nit
String – copy(char*des, char *sre) { For(int i=0; src[i]l=’10’,i++); Dst[i]=src[i]; Dest[i]=’10’ }
Calling or invoking function by sending value type In pass by reference function parameters are declared reference type. This allows to share data between functions.
Example # include<iostream.h> void swap(int &x, intt &y) { x=x+y; y=x-y; x=x-y; } void main() { int a,b; cout<<”\n input a,b values”; cin>>a>>b; swap(a,b); cout<<”\n after swapping \n”; cout<<a<<”\t”<<b; }
o/p : 0 10
eg : # include<iostream.h> void func1(int x) { cout<<”\n inside pass by value”; } void func1 (int y) { cout<<” \n inside pass by alias” ; } void main() { int a =10; fun1(a); }
The above program display compile time error because the syntax of calling function by sending value and alias is same. The function with value type parameters can’t be overloaded function with pointer type parameter
# include<iostream.h>
void func1(int x)
{ cout<<”\n inside value type parameter” }
void func1(int *y)
{ int a=10; func1(&a) ; fun1(a); }
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